Victoria Hamblen explores strategic climate litigation for SG Voice
28th November 2023

Victoria Hamblen, specialist environmental/public law and commercial law barrister at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), has reviewed the growth in strategic climate litigation and how it affects business defendants for Sustainable Growth (SG) Voice.
In her commentary, Victoria discusses the growth in climate law and disputes and the significant impact that strategic climate litigation can have on corporations, citing real life examples of cases which were successfully brought and those refused permission to proceed.
Victoria states that "unlike other forms of litigation, strategic climate litigation comes with distinct risks, that businesses should attempt to mitigate by implementing long-term sustainability initiatives."
To read Victoria’s full article, please click here.
Victoria Hamblen is a specialist commercial and public law barrister, with particular focus on property, planning, climate litigation, environmental law, mediation and international arbitration. Victoria is also a pro-bono advisor for the Environmental Law Foundation.
To contact Victoria, please email Patrick Robson or telephone 01865 793 736.