Thomas Acworth acts for vulnerable defendant in arms dealing conspiracy
6th March 2024

3PB crime barrister Thomas Acworth represented DB, a vulnerable man with serious health issues, who was charged with conspiracy to transfer prohibited weapons and conspiracy to transfer ammunition. Together with others, DB was said to have converted legal, blank-firing pistols into operational, lethal handguns. The handguns were then supplied to other organised criminal groups around the country. Some were used in gangland shootings.
At sentence, HHJ Real accepted Thomas’ ‘focused and realistic’ submissions about DB’s role in the conspiracy. Whilst his co-defendants received sentences in excess of ten years’ imprisonment, DB was sentenced to eight years and three months.
Thomas was instructed by Theresa Tang of criminal defence solicitors Tang, Bentley & Jackson.
If you wish to instruct Thomas, or see about his availability, please email his clerk Stuart Pringle on [email protected] or by calling him on 01962 868884.