James Davison reviews the Curtiss case and the limits of disclosure
16th August 2021

3PB’s specialist construction law barrister James Davison (pictured here) has reviewed the case of Curtiss and others v Zurich Insurance plc (t/a Zurich Building Guarantee and Zurich Municipal) and another [2021] EWHC 1999 (TCC) for Lexis®PSL.
The judgment provides a framework for the approach courts will be inclined to take when applying the new limits set out in the Disclosure Pilot; and is a must-read for all property and construction law practitioners.
In the Curtiss case, the result was that the extent of disclosure ordered by the court was limited in comparison to what the claimants sought.
To read James’ full case analysis on Curtiss v Zurich Insurance Plc please click here. This article was first published by Lexis®PSL on 30 July 2021.
James Davison (year of call: 1996) specialises in contract and commercial disputes, with a particular expertise with large construction and engineering matters and the commercial arrangements that fund and support them.
To discuss the Curtiss case or to instruct James, please email his clerk Joe Townsend on [email protected] or call him on 020 7583 8055.