Susan Jones in 5-week inquest after the death of a prisoner on remand
19th April 2021

3PB regulatory lawyer and inquest specialist barrister Susan Jones was recently instructed by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to represent a registered mental health nurse in a 5-week, Article 2 and hybrid/partially-remote, inquest before Her Majesty’s Assistant Coroner Darren Stewart OBE and a jury.
The inquest touching the death of a 46-year remand prisoner considered: complications arising from prescription medication, methods of requesting GP assessment, communication between prison and healthcare staff and the interaction of mental health issues on physical health care.
The inquest proceeded by way of HM Coroner and the jury being physically present in a courtroom at Surrey Coroner’s Court in Woking with 9 Counsel and 28 live witnesses, including an expert witness, all appearing virtually via video link. Last week, the jury returned a narrative conclusion.
Susan Jones' review of the Supreme Court judgement in Maughan (2020) UKSC 46, headlined as “A New Era for Inquests”, will shortly appear online in the latest Easter term issue of The Barrister and can be seen on Susan’s LinkedIn page .