Sunyana Sharma represents HMCG at the inquest into Dawlish teenager's death
28th June 2024

3PB Barristers' (3 Paper Buildings) Sunyana Sharma represents His Majesty’s Coastguard (‘HMCG’) at the inquest touching the sad death of 14 year old Albina Yevko, who fell from the sea wall between Dawlish and Dawlish Warren after going for a walk along the sea wall.
The Coroner considered the risk assessments and mitigations put in place by Network Rail, the care and treatment rendered by the emergency services including HMCG and the inter-agency communication. The family expressed their thanks to HMCG for their part in co-ordinating the rescue of Albina.
The case was widely reported in the national press including the BBC, Mirror and Independent. Sunyana was instructed by Clare Woodland of law firm DWF.
Sunyana Sharma is a regulatory and inquest barrister, practicing in professional disciplinary work, maritime and fishing law, health and safety law and all areas of regulatory compliance and consumer protection. Sunyana sits as an Assistant Coroner for Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth and as a Deputy District Judge in Civil and Family law.
To instruct Sunyana, please contact Practice Director David Snook via [email protected] or telephone him on 020 7583 8055.