Stephen Wildblood KC and Nathalie Bull qualify as children arbitrators
11th April 2024

3PB are delighted to announce that family law barristers Stephen Wildblood KC and Nathalie Bull have both qualified as Children Law Arbitrators, able to hear children cases. Both become members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) and are now members of the specialist panel of family law arbitrators, managed by Resolution on behalf of the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (“IFLA”).
Stephen Wildblood KC (1980 call) practised as a specialist family barrister for 27 years in Bristol before moving to the Circuit bench in 2007 and was the region's Designated Family Judge from 2013 until 2023. He now practises from 3PB as a Private FDR Judge, an early neutral evaluator and arbitrator.
Nathalie Bull (2004 call) practices exclusively in family law, having been a barrister in chambers for 17 years, before which she worked as an in-house advocate in a large law firm. Nathalie is ranked as a leading junior in both her areas of practice, namely child law and finance.
This follows the news last month that fellow 3PB family and education barrister Aimee Fox has qualified as a financial arbitrator, able to hear divorce and financial remedy cases.
All three are members of 3PB's team of specialist family law arbitrators.
To instruct either Stephen Wildblood KC or Nathalie Bull, or see about their availability to appear as arbitrators, please contact their clerks Ian Charlton or Mark Heath on [email protected] or [email protected] or by calling either of them on 0330 332 0773.