Rebecca McKnight secures unanimous acquittal of a client charged with supplying Class A drugs
6th September 2023

3PB’s specialist criminal law barrister Rebecca McKnight (pictured here) has successfully secured an acquittal for her client of two charges of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and two charges of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs, after a trial at Southampton Crown Court.
The defendant was a vulnerable person who had been facing these allegations for almost 2 years. If found guilty, the defendant would have likely faced a period in prison.
The prosecution suggested that the defendant was actively involved in supplying class A drugs. The prosecution’s case was based on evidence of messages, the quantity of drugs found, scales found at their address, and a small quantity of cash.
When cross examined by Rebecca, the Drugs Expert Witness conceded the possibility of the drugs being for personal use and the majority of the messages possibly indicating requests for drugs from the defendant rather than supply. Rebecca argued the messages were ambiguous and most of the evidence demonstrated the drugs found were for the defendant's personal use.
The jury returned after only 1 hour 30 minutes unanimously finding Rebecca’s client not guilty of all 4 accusations.
Rebecca was instructed by Emily Alexander of Roach Pittis.
Rebecca McKnight is a specialist criminal barrister accepting instructions in general crime, regulatory and court martial work. She regularly appears in the Youth and Crown courts for both prosecution and defence.
If you wish to contact or instruct Rebecca, please contact Chambers Director Stuart Pringle or telephone 01962 868884.