Rachel Bale talks to Get Briefed Podcast about Her Bar and promoting the success of women at the Bar
27th March 2024

3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Rachel Bale (pictured here) has spoken to the Get Briefed Podcast alongside Nasreen Shah of Great James Street Chambers about Her Bar, the online Hub providing support and resources to aspiring and practicing women barristers.
Rachel and Nasreen co-founded Her Bar in 2021 while completing their pupillages. In the podcast, hosted by Briefed’s founder Orlagh Kelly, Rachel and Nasreen discuss their paths to the Bar, the motivations behind starting Her Bar and the important role that men can play in encouraging women at the Bar.
Click here to listen: Get Briefed Podcast - "We're here to try to support each other" - Ensuring the success of women barristers with Nasreen Shah and Rachel Bale
Rachel Bale has a diverse practice, specialising in property, chancery, financial remedies and TOLATA disputes. To contact or instruct Rachel, please contact Senior Practice Manager Patrick Robson via email, or telephone 01865 793 736.