Rachel Bale delivers interactive training on TOLATA claims
5th September 2024

Rachel Bale, one of 3PB's chancery and property barristers, provided an in-depth seminar to thirty members of law firm Pennington Manches Cooper's Real Estate and Family team on "All matters TOLATA".
The interactive seminar involved a comprehensive overview of trusts arising in both domestic and commercial contexts, updates on key precedents such as Hudson v Hathaway [2022] EWCA Civ 1648 as well as a review of the court's approach to equitable accounting. Rachel also gave practical advice about the procedure in commencing a TOLATA claim and highlighted both tips to adopt, and the pitfalls to avoid which can see clients wasting their money.
Rachel is a specialist in TOLATA cases and has a thriving, successful practice in advising and representing clients in the following scenarios:
- Family members as to property ownership in both domestic and commercial contexts
- Partnership property
- Trusts arising in commercial contexts
- Validity of TR1 forms, through undue influence and fraud
- TOLATA and Schedule 1 parallel claims for unmarried couples
- Removal of secured charges
- Order for sale (including deferred)
If you would be interested in instructing Rachel or seeing about her availability, or interested in training in this area, please contact her clerk Patrick Robson by emailing [email protected] or calling him on 01865 793736.