Tonia Clark reviews Practice Direction 27A and its application in family proceedings
26th February 2021

3PB’s specialist family law barrister Tonia Clark (pictured here) has reviewed Practice Direction 27A (PD27A), which Family Court judges are increasingly exasperated is being ignored.
In this article Tonia covers the importance of Practice Direction 27A, noting that non-compliance will likely mean that the Courts will consider making costs orders.
Tonia also highlights the most important points to bear in mind when applying PD27A and states that the case AG v VD [2021] EWFC 9 paras 8 and 144-147 is essential reading for all family law professionals.
Please click here to read the full article.
If you wish to discuss this article further or to instruct Tonia Clark, please email her clerks Robert Leonard on [email protected] or Ian Charlton on [email protected].