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In her latest article, Sharan Sanghera provides a quick reminder of some important Part 36 Rules. Be sure to use her checklist when you are making Part 36 offers to avoid some of the more commonly made mistakes, which could lead to an offer being found invalid. Click here to read Sharan's article.
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Alice de Coverley considers the recent Court of Appeal decision in JOHNSON v UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL (2017) (Civ) 17 October 2017 (unreported), concerning the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. To read Alice's article, please click here.
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Emma Waldron considers the Court of Appeal decision in Howlett (1) Howlett (2) v Davies (1) Ageas Insurance Ltd (2) [2017] EWCA, a case relating to fundamental dishonesty. To read Emma's article, please click here.
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Thomas Evans considers the Supreme Court decision in Armes v Nottinghamshire County Council [2017] UKSC 60, a case concerning the Local Authorities liability for the torts of foster carers. To read Tom's analysis, please click here.
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On Monday 30th October Tom Webb successfully represented the Defendant on appeal against the decision of a district judge made at a stage 3 hearing. The issue concerned the quantum of losses for a holiday that had been ruined by an injury sustained a few days prior to departure. On appeal before HHJ Scarratt in the Medway County Court there were arguments as to the correct categorisation of general and special damages, double recovery and...
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3PB's Personal Injury team has put together an update on the following important topics: Disclosure - by Luke Ashby Fraud in motor claims - by Tom Webb Fundamental dishonesty - By Jonathan Gaydon Contempt proceedings - procedural matters and the judicial approach to hearing these claims - by the group's Deputy Head Michelle Marnham To read the team's notes, please click here.
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3PB Employment barrister Karen Moss has had an article published on the impact of Wyatt v Hampshire County Council UKEAT/0013/16 on litigants claiming personal injury damages in the employment tribunal. See http://www.pibriefupdate.com/content/ and the Personal Injury Brief Update Law Journal newsletter this month. To read Karen's artile, please click here.
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3PB has strengthened its rapidly expanding Personal Injury team with the addition of James Trumble and Luke Ashby. The duo join a 38-strong personal injury team at 3PB who are recruiting heavily to meet substantial new volumes of work after winning further key roles with large insurance companies. Both barristers specialise in defendant work and have significant experience in the Personal Injury field. James Trumble joins the London Chambers from Field Court Chambers. Prior to...
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Kings Bench Chambers’ Luke Ashby has joined 3 Paper Buildings fast growing personal injury team based in Bournemouth. Personal injury specialist Luke – who was called to the Bar in 2007 – held a senior role at a national firm of UK solicitors and brings his expertise in cases involving allegation of fraud, credit hire and costs to enhance the 3PB team. Luke joins a 38-strong personal injury team at 3PB who are recruiting heavily...
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