3 Paper Buildings handpicks trio of family barristers

    Pictured here: Elizabeth Gooderham (left), Paul Froud (centre) and Andrew Duncan (right) Three experienced family law barristers have joined 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) to bolster its already award-winning, 80-strong Family Law Group. The national chambers handpicked the trio from the Midlands/South East specialist family law set, Senate House Chambers. Elizabeth Gooderham is a 22-years call childcare barrister, representing clients in public law and complex private law proceedings. She often acts in cases with vulnerable clients, including those with...

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  • Nathalie Bull

    Nathalie Bull writes on “How to apply for permission to relocate” for Family Law

    3PB family law barrister Nathalie Bull (pictured here) has written a brief guide on “How to apply for permission to relocate” for the Family Law Journal. The guide, published on 31 July, considers the steps required when seeking or opposing the permanent relocation of a child either internationally or nationally. Nathalie analyses the Court’s approach and sets out the crucial evidence to improve prospects of making or defending applications. To read the full article if...

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  • Liz Adams

    Liz Adams considers how new technology may impact family law practitioners

    Technology has dramatically changed the ways in which we relate to each other and how we live our lives. In this article written for Today’s Family Lawyer, 3PB pupil Elizabeth Adams (pictured here) examines how new technology could change how family law practitioners deal with case issues and evidence through 3 practical examples covering: Instant messaging and images Financial data and ‘Natural Language Processing’ and jargon bursting. Click here to read Elizabeth’s article. Elizabeth Adams...

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  • Eleanor Marsh bw

    Eleanor Marsh reviews the effects on children of delays in court proceedings

    3PB (3 Paper Buildings) family barrister Eleanor Marsh (pictured here) has written a brief guide to delays in court proceedings and whether these are creating a new ‘status quo’ for children and the impact of such delays upon the welfare decisions made at final hearing. This article in the Family Law Journal, published this month, takes a look specifically at s 1(3)(c) of the Children Act 1989: the likely effect on the child of any...

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  • Luke Nelson

    Luke Nelson writes a brief guide to "Intervener actions in financial remedies proceedings: interests in land" for Family Law

    3PB family barrister Luke Nelson (pictured here) has written a brief guide to "Intervener actions in financial remedies proceedings: interests in land" for the Family Law Journal. Published on 9 July, Luke's guide considers the practical, procedural and legal issues that arise when third-party interests in land arise in financial remedy proceedings. In particular, Luke seeks to answer the following questions: How to identify that a case is suitable for joinder. What is the correct...

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  • CoPComm Episode July 23 1

    Cop Comm Episode 6 now available

    Episode 6 of Cop Comm, 3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Court of Protection and community care podcast is now available to download. In this episode, co-presenters Matthew Wyard and Jim Hirschmann discuss two cases from June 2023, Re: Public Guardians Severance Application [2023] EWCOP 24 and appeal case Wiltshire County Council v RB & Ors [2023] EWCOP 26. All episodes of Cop Comm are available to stream via major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music...

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  • Rachel Bloxwich (3PB), Charlotte Green (Advocate) and Ian Charlton (3PB) hand over the donation and mark 3PB’s admittance as Silver Patrons

    3PB Barristers’ family team raises £7,000 for Advocate

    3PB’s group of family barristers have made a donation of £7,000 to Advocate in support of the charity’s work in matching people in need of legal advice with barristers willing to take on cases on a pro bono basis. The sum is the proceeds of the group’s inaugural Family Law Conference which took place in May in the impressive setting of Birmingham’s Council House. The sell-out event raised a surplus thanks to ticket sales and...

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    Poonam Bhari writes for The Barrister on the impact of case backlogs in the family court

    Poonam Bhari (pictured here), specialist family barrister at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) has written for The Barrister on the possible effects that backlogs in family dispute resolution cases can have on both the families involved and the overall structure of family law proceedings. In her article, published in the June/July issue, Poonam highlights the significant backlog of cases within the family courts and explores how early resolution and out of court settlements could help...

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  • Amanda Fernandez and Elizabeth Porteous

    New 3PB tenants Elizabeth Porteous and Amanda Fernandez

    3PB are pleased to announce that two barristers Amanda Fernandez and former local authority family law assistant Elizabeth Porteous (pictured here, left to right) have both successfully completed their pupillages today and become tenants at - and members of - the 235-barrister, national chambers. Amanda Fernandez (call:2020) is joining 3PB's London office and accept instructions in property, housing, commercial and personal injury litigation. Elizabeth Porteous (call:2021) is a family barrister based in 3PB's Birmingham office...

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  • Copy of CoPComm Episode May 23

    Episode 5 of CoP Comm now available

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) is pleased to announce that the fifth episode of its CoP Comm podcast is now live and available for download across major podcast platforms. In this episode, host Matthew Wyard is joined by special guest James Pantling-Skeet, Senior Associate at Boyes Turner, to discuss the recent decision of R(HL) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, as well as sharing views on how the process to challenge community...

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    Steven Howard successful in opposing appeal in Family Court findings of fact case

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist family law barrister Steven Howard has successfully represented the Local Authority in opposing the appeal to reopen a findings of fact case at the Court of Appeal. The case in question, J (Children: Reopening Findings of Fact) [2023] EWCA Civ 465, involved the request by a stepfather to reopen a previous fact-finding case involving sexual assault allegations, made by two of the children, on the bases that the judge...

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  • Grant Keyes 5 1 scaled

    3PB welcome family barrister Grant Keyes

    3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) is delighted to announce that private and public law children barrister Grant Keyes, from Senate House Chambers in Northampton, is to join its 80-strong team of family barristers with immediate effect. Grant Keyes (2007 call), pictured here, represents parents, children through their children’s guardians and intervenors in a wide range of family law cases at all levels of judiciary including the Court of Appeal. He is often working in cases...

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