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Hamish Dunlop, Head of 3PB’s Family Law Group, led by Nigel Dyer QC, has represented the respondent in the groundbreaking Owens v Owens case. The Court of Appeal ruled the appellant would not be granted a divorce on the basis that a ‘wretchedly unhappy marriage’ was not grounds for divorce and found that the respondent’s behaviour amounted to ‘minor altercations of a kind to be expected in a marriage’. The case brought Munby P to...
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Head of 3PB’s Family Law Group Hamish Dunlop draws conclusions from The Blue Cross and others v. Heather Ilot [[2017] UKSC 17] On 15th March 2017, the Supreme Court gave judgment in the appeal of The Blue Cross and others –v- Heather Ilot [[2017] UKSC 17]. The case concerns Mrs Ilot’s application brought under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (‘the Act’). Although the Act is now over 40 years old, it...
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Former Birmingham City Council Principal Solicitor Matiss Krumins has joined 3PB's growing family team based in Birmingham on Colmore Circus. Matiss was called to the Bar in 2008 and qualified as a solicitor in 2011. As a specialist in public law children proceedings and judicial review he will be bringing to Chambers a detailed understanding of care proceedings and the regulatory framework of child protection/children in care. Matiss said: “Having made the decision to join the independent...
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3PB Family Barrister Nicola Frost provides an insightful summary of Re: MM (A patient) [2017] EWCA Civ 34, an appeal from the Court of Protection in which the appellant had been ordered to facilitate MM’s return to this jurisdiction, the court having found (on a number of occasions) it to be in MM’s best welfare interests to be cared for in the south west of England. The parties compromised the appeal and the court was...
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3PB is pleased to welcome Suzanne Coleclough (Call 2005), formerly of St Philips chambers. Suzanne joins 3PB’s Family Law team, based in its Birmingham chambers. Suzanne qualified as a solicitor in 1990 and was a member of the Family Law Panel and Law Society Children Panel. In 2005 she transferred to the bar. Since then Suzanne has continued to specialise in family law, including children and matrimonial finance. Nigel Lickley QC, Head of 3PB, said, “We...
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3PB warmly congratulates Melissa Barlow on her recent appointment as Recorder authorised to hear Public and Family Law cases on the Western Circuit, with effect from 11 January 2016. With over 20 years experience in family law, Melissa acts for Local Authorities, parents, Guardians, children and prospective special guardians and adopters. She is one of 3PB's senior family law barristers and chambers wishes her well with her new appointment
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