• 3PB launches dedicated Covid-19 resources hub

    3PB Barristers have created a dedicated webpage on its website to act as a hub for the many articles, briefings and webinar and podcast recordings about lockdown laws and regulations as well as practical issues like court attendance, e-bundles, remote and hybrid hearings. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to create employment, contractual and other legal challenges which are in many ways unprecedented. The impact of the virus is being felt, and in response, 3PB have...

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  • Commercial update: fiduciary duties between shareholders of a quasi-partnership company

    Do shareholders in a family or quasi-partnership company, owe each other fiduciary duties? Seb Oram analyses the recent decision of the Chancery Division in De Sena v. Notaro [2020] EWHC 1031 (Ch) for LexisPSL’s Case Analysis Expert Panel. This article was first published by Lexis®PSL on 11/05/2020. To read the full article please click here. Seb is a Commercial and Construction Law barrister. Click here to view his profile.

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