Philip Bambagiotti reports on the Building Safety Act 2022
14th April 2023

3PB's construction and building defects barrister and arbitrator Philip Bambagiotti (pictured here) has penned an article for the Bar Council's Counsel magazine on the principal features of the Building Safety Act 2022 and whether, in the long term, this is the best way to improve standards.
He states there that: "There is no question that, following the terrible example of the Grenfell Tower fire, building regulations need to be examined, analysed, understood, reviewed and, in many cases, tightened up – in some cases dramatically. Nor is there any question that the authorities given responsibility to ensure that building work is undertaken safely and properly, and that the consequent buildings are safe and appropriate for community use should have sufficiently potent powers to ensure that their requirements are obeyed."
He concludes: "there is a strong case for the provisions of the BSA to be augmented and supported by more comprehensive, and more economically sensitive, legislation for regulation of the building industry. Legislation that makes more detailed provision for the personal accountability of developers, contractors and trades, and that gives consumers more and better avenues to deal with problems and complaints, and to achieve their own compensation and other outcomes. Clearly, if the consumers are empowered and better able to vindicate their own rights and interests, there will be less need for reliance upon the regulator to address every mess."
To read the full article please click here to access Philip's Counsel article.
To contact Philip, please email him on [email protected]. To instruct him or see about his availability please contact his clerk Joe Townsend on [email protected] or by calling him on 020 7583 8055.