Jakob Reckhenrich considers the unlikely prospect of paying court judgments by instalments
15th March 2022

3PB’s specialist commercial litigation barrister Jakob Reckhenrich, pictured here, advises clients on the court's approach to requests to pay judgments by instalments. In this newly-penned article, Jakob analyses the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) and the recent case law interpreting those provisions.
Jakob advises that judgment debtors are usually required to pay within 14 days and that it is for judgment creditors to decide what means of enforcement to use, including the insolvency/bankruptcy regime. The courts may consider a repayment plan where such a plan leads to repayment in a “reasonable period of time." Such a request is most likely to succeed where the debtor is a private individual. In a purely commercial context such a request is unlikely to succeed.
Read Jakob’s advice on requests to pay judgments by instalments. To contact him about this article, do email him on [email protected].
Jakob Reckhenrich specialises in commercial and contractual disputes. He joined 3PB after completing pupillage at Monckton Chambers and working as a judicial assistant in the Commercial Court, where he assisted Mrs Justice Cockerill, Mr Justice Butcher and Mr Justice Jacobs.