Oliver Hirsch successful in the Court of Appeal with sentencing deemed excessive
12th November 2023

3PB criminal and PI barrister Oliver Hirsch recently appeared in the Court of Appeal, in a challenge to his client's sentence for breach of a restraining order.
The appeal succeeded, with the sentence being reduced by nearly one third, from 58 months to 40.
The Court commended Oliver for his 'very helpful' submissions, which contended that the sentence passed had insufficient regard to totality and was manifestly excessive. The Court ruled that the sentences for each of the 3 breaches should have been concurrent, not consecutive, per the grounds of appeal.
Oliver was instructed by Michael McGoldrick and Nicholas Muir of Roach Pittis solicitors.
To contact Oliver, please email him at [email protected]. To instruct him, or see about his availability, please contact his clerk Stuart Pringle at [email protected] or by calling him on 01962 868 884.