3 Paper Buildings (3PB) has very sadly reported today that property and commercial litigation barrister Andrew Sheriff passed away on Boxing Day 26 December 2018, after battling with cancer. Despite his illness Andrew continued to support his colleagues and provide his expert knowledge and assistance for the benefit of his clients and colleagues. An exceptional barrister, he will be remembered for his dedication to his clients and to 3PB in equal measure. 3PB’s new Head...

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  • 3PB welcome crime and regulatory barrister Jonathan Underhill

    3 Paper Buildings (3PB Barristers) has continued its expansion with the arrival of Jonathan Underhill who joins chambers as an expert criminal and financial crime barrister from Foundry Chambers (formerly 9-12 Bell Yard). He was called to the Bar in 2008, Jonathan is highly rated for financial crime and POCA cases, regulatory cases and criminal casework. Jonathan is regularly instructed to act for the Specialist Fraud Division of the CPS as well as HMRC most...

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  • Susan Jones successfully opposes High Court Appeal challenging both Procedural Matters and Findings of Fact

    Susan Jones successfully opposed High Court Appeal before Mrs Justice Lambert Arising out of a Public Trial, at which Susan acted for the Claimant at First instance, the Appellate Local Authority challenged a decision of a Circuits Judge on 5 Grounds, which Susan categorised under two headings: Whether the Judge was wrong to allow the Claimant’s oral application to rely on his witness statement, which despite his inability to read had not been verified by...

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  • Three senior family barristers join 3PB team

    3 Paper Buildings (3PB Barristers) – the large national barristers’ chambers - are delighted to announce that, in their latest three recruits for their 70-strong family team, matrimonial finance barrister Elaine Strachan is returning to 3PB and will work alongside new recruit senior family barrister Andrew Neaves who has just joined from St Philips - and former solicitor Sarah Tierney – who was deputy head of the family team at Birmingham solicitors Glaisyers. Andrew Neaves, who has...

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  • 3PB criminal barristers awarded Certificate of Congratulations from the Chief Constable of Hampshire

    3PB criminal barristers Jodie Mittell and Gemma White awarded Certificate of Congratulations from the Chief Constable of Hampshire following the successful prosecution of multiple drug dealing networks in Southampton. Individually, and as lead and junior Counsel, over a period of some 20 months Jodie and Gemma prosecuted a number of county lines drug dealing networks operating in Hampshire resulting in significant custodial sentences being imposed. Read press coverage here    

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  • Max Schofield represents taxpayer in successful appeal in juice cleanse case

    Max Schofield represented The Core (Swindon) in a successful appeal against HMRC regarding the VAT treatment of juice cleanse programmes. The First Tier Tribunal ruled that the juice cleanse programmes, taken in place of meals, were to be classified as food rather than beverages and were, therefore, zero-rated." Read the Judgment here Max Schofield is a Commercial Law barrister with a particular emphasis on Insolvency and Tax. To view his profile click here.

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  • New joiners for family barristers team at 3PB

    3 Paper Buildings (3PB Barristers) – the large national barristers’ chambers - are delighted to announce today, that in their latest two recruits to their 68-strong family team,  senior family barrister Andrew Neaves will be joining from St Philips and former solicitor Sarah Tierney – who was  deputy head of the family team with solicitors Glaisyers – will also practice from 3PB in Birmingham. Andrew Neaves, who has 40 years experience as a barrister, specialises...

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  • David Berkley QC is new Head of Chambers at 3PB

    Following an election commercial barrister David Berkley QC has been appointed as Head of Chambers for a five year term. Read more about David Berkley QC here. Commercial and professional negligence barrister Gavin Hamilton remains 3PB’s Deputy Head of Chambers.

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  • £350m of additional funding is to be made available to support children with special educational needs and disabilities

    Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are set to benefit from an extra £350 million funding to provide specialist support and tailored facilities, helping those with complex needs to succeed. The Education Secretary Damian Hinds has announced that councils will receive an additional £250 million over the next two years on top of the £6 billion already provided for the high needs budget this year, to provide much needed support for children and...

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  • Charles Irvine acts in claim against Sirius Marine Services for defective workmanship

    Charles Irvine acted for Mr Greatbatch in a High Court (Business and Property)(Queen’s Bench Division)(Admiralty) claim against Sirius Marine Services Ltd for defective workmanship. The case raised issues as to the correct rate for the loss of use of a pleasure vessel.  The Court awarded loss of use at a rate of 8% (rather than the usual 1-2%) given the Defendant’s conduct in its handling of the Claimant’s vessel. Read the judgment here

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  • Commercial update: Alexander Whatley writes about vicarious liability

    In torts such as deceit, where liability depends on the claimant acting in reliance on a statement made to him, the test for establishing vicarious liability is not the same as for other wrongs committed in the course of a servant’s employment. Whatley - Vicarious liability for fraud and reliance-based torts. Alex Whatley is a Commercial Law barrister specialising in business disputes and Agency. Click here to view his profile.

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  • 3PB Head of Chambers becomes Circuit Judge at Central Criminal Court

    3 Paper Building (3PB) Head of Chambers Nigel Lickley QC was sworn in as a Judge yesterday by the Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett of Malden at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. HHJ Lickley QC has begun his new career after 34 years in Chambers from Pupil to Silk specialising in Crime and Regulatory Law and having been Leader of the Western Circuit from 2010 to 2013. Simon Astill, 3PB’s Chief Executive, said:...

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