• 3PB Family team music video debuts as Video of the Day in The Lawyer

    3PB’s Head of Family team, Vanessa Meachin QC led some of her 70-strong team in a fun rendition of a Foo Fighter’s favourite, which featured as Video of the Day today Tuesday 9th June 2020 in The Lawyer, as part of their Law Against Loneliness daily campaign. To see the music video, click here. Have your say on this entertaining tribute and lockdown living. Can you spot Liz McGrath QC or Hamish Dunlop’s contributions -...

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  • 3PB completes the London Legal Walk today

    3PB barristers Faizul Azman, Rebecca Farrell, Sharan Sanghera, Cheryl Jones, Michelle Marnham, Henrietta Hughes were joined by Chambers Director Matt Wildish to complete today, Monday 8 June, the 2020 London Legal Walk. 3PB’s team, again led by Henrietta Hughes, are also taking on 10K for Justice on the 5th October later this year. Despite the postponement of the London Legal Walk due to COVID-19, many barristers, solicitors and staff are still be marking 8th June...

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  • 3PB’s Joseph Giret QC gets another Queen's Award, this time for his NHS support volunteer work

    Joseph Giret QC, the highly respected commercial and chancery litigation expert and biker barrister, has just been awarded a Queen’s Award for services to the Voluntary Sector, which he and fellow volunteer blood delivery bikers  at the charity Blood Bikes SERV OBN have received. This service by emergency bike rider volunteers is part of a nationwide service - provided by unpaid volunteers to help out the NHS with active members like Joseph Giret QC  –...

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  • 3PB reviews the law regulating novel foods and how to bring them into the UK market

    3PB’s Public and Regulatory Law barrister Matthew Wyard has reviewed the law regulating novel food products in the UK, specifically how those supplying unlicensed food products can determine whether they are supplying novel food products and how to submit an application through the EU regime for approval of novel food products. Additionally, the law concerning cannabis-based food products is also reviewed here.

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  • New webinar from employment barrister Sarah Bowen on H&S and whistleblowing during Covid-19

    There's no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic is making health and safety issues a top priority for employers and employees alike. What should they be aware of from an employment law perspective when it comes to health and safety? What should they be aware of with regard to whistleblowing? Specialist employment barrister from 3PB, Sarah Bowen, shares guidance during this 45-minute webinar. This webinar is pre-recorded for you to view at your leisure.  

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  • 3PB reviews citizens rights to protest during the pandemic

    This last week has seen large-scale Black Lives Matters protests across the UK’s main cities. 3PB pupil barrister Mariya Peykova has reviewed the rights during this Covid-19 pandemic for citizens to participate in a protest, the police arrest and stop-and search powers, the scale of fines and penalties and what people should be doing if you are arrested and taken to a police station. Mariya’s article is available to read in full here. To contact Mariya...

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  • 3PB’s Matthew Wyard provides an update on the UK’s tobacco laws

    3PB’s Public and Regulatory Law barrister Matthew Wyard has provided an update on UK tobacco law in light of Article 7 of the EU Tobacco Productive Directive. Article 7 of the Directive became applicable in the UK  20th May 2020, meaning that the sale of any tobacco products with a characterising flavour is now illegal. To read the full article please click here. To discuss this article further, or to instruct Matthew on a matter...

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  • 3PB’s Matthew Wyard discusses UK Market Authorisation for new medicinal products

    3PB’s Public and Regulatory barrister Matthew Wyard has provided an overview of the MHRA’s Market Authorisation process for bringing new products to market in the UK. Designed for the pharmaceutical industry and those advising them, this article looks at the different types of authorisation available and the process for approving medicines in the UK. To read the full article please click here. To discuss this article further, or to instruct Matthew on a matter relating...

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  • Grace Nicholls edits June's employment newsletter

    Grace Nicholls has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Craig Ludlow, Sarah Bowen, Daniel Brown, Mark Green, Mathew Gullick, Matthew Curtis, Naomi Webber and Grace Nicholls. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis including guidance and analysis arising from our recent successful webinar. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed include: Guide to the main issues linked to COVID...

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  • Arbitrator appointment to all-female ODR panel for 3PB’s Angela Grahame QC (Scot)

    3PB personal injury and clinical negligence silk Angela Grahame QC (Scot) is delighted to have been appointed as an arbitrator on the all-female, panel of Edinburgh-based Squaring Circles, which aims to “do disputes differently”. Founded by solicitor and mediator, Rachael Bicknell, the online dispute resolution business is aimed at providing an alternative to taking matters through the courts and is launched at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is driving demand for technology-led alternatives to...

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  • 3PB’s Tom Webb tells all about returning to court for a personal injury trial during the pandemic

    3PB personal injury and clinical negligence barrister Tom Webb attended Winchester County Court on Thursday 28th May in what is believed to have been one of the first civil trials to be heard in person since lockdown began. His observations on what fellow barristers, solicitors, lay clients, witnesses and judges will be going back to in the coming weeks are set out in his article. Tom reports on the practicalities of the process, including the...

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  • 3PB’s Hannah Bush appointed as First Tier Tribunal Judge and Deputy District Judge

    3PB are delighted to announce that family barrister Hannah Bush has been appointed a Deputy District Judge and a part-time First Tier Tribunal judge after separate competitions, the latter of which was announced today Thursday 28 May 2020. Hannah will sit in the Health, Education and Social Care Chamber and will hear appeals concerned with Special Educational Needs and Disability and will sit as a Deputy District Judge on the Midlands Circuit. Hannah was called to...

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