• 3PB reviews Trecarrell House decision on landlords’ eviction rights and gas safety certificates

      Yesterday. Thursday 18th June 2020, the Court of Appeal handed down their judgment in the case of Trecarrell House Ltd v Rouncefield [2020] EWCA Civ 760 to state that a failure to serve a gas safety certificate before a tenant enters in to occupation of the property does not create an absolute bar on residential landlords subsequently relying upon the section 21 eviction procedure. 3PB Barristers’ Matthew Cannings, who heads the Property & Estates team...

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    • 3PB offers guidance about legitimate rights and anti social behaviour in Black Lives Matter protests

      3PB’s pupil barrister Mariya Peykova has reviewed the use of police tactics to disperse protestors and the fine line between protesting and anti social behaviour. Over the last few weeks, there have been large-scale protests across the UK prompted by Black Lives Matters which have attracted large scale support, alongside rising complaints of anti-social behaviour. The line between legitimate protesting and anti-social behaviour in law can be a fine one. In this article, Mariya reviews...

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    • Personal Injury newsletter out now featuring the latest news and case updates - June 2020

      Life in lockdown has brought changes for all of us and with the easing of restrictions and life going back to ‘normal’ many of us are left wondering what the new ‘normal’ means for litigators and how we, and the courts, will need to adjust. In this edition of the newsletter Catherine Purdy looks at some of these issues and whether we might be able to take any lessons from the Family Courts, which have...

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    • 3PB predicts Bresco v Lonsdale construction case to prompt an adjudication upsurge

      3PB construction and commercial/insolvency barrister John Jessup predicted on Tuesday June 9 at the 3PB construction law webinar that the Supreme Court may push open the door left slightly ajar by Lord Justice Coulson at the Court of Appeal in the case of Bresco v Lonsdale [2019] EWCA Civ 27.  Today, the Supreme Court  has done rather more than that, and their decision will result inevitably in more liquidators attempting to adjudicate disputes with creditors,...

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    • Is “Aster” the new “Daejan”? Joshua Dubin helps clients to resist their landlord's appeal

      Aster Communities v Chapman and others [2020] UKUT 177 (LC) Judgment published 15.07.2020 Joshua Dubin has helped his clients to resist their landlord’s appeal against the imposition of conditions that will enable them to instruct an expert to assess whether certain repair works are necessary. The Upper Tribunal has upheld a decision to impose conditions when granting Aster dispensation from its service charge consultation requirements. Aster applied for dispensation because it omitted the total replacement...

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    • 3PB debuts first of its three-part series of Inquest training

      3PB’s specialist Inquest team have just delivered the first of its three-part series of training sessions to many of its solicitors contacts and local authorities and following its success, we are now offering the same training to other clients and contacts. The first training module “Coroners Court jurisdiction: Evidence and Procedure” covers the purpose, scope and three phases of an Inquest as well as rules on collating evidence and disclosure and the need for expert...

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    • 3PB family newsletter is out now featuring news and a round up of our recent brunch series

      The 3PB family team brings you a round-up of the latest news and a summary of the talks from our recent series of brunch talks. This issue includes contributions from or news about Vanessa Meachin QC, Aimee Fox, Amy Beddis, Gemma Chapman, Emma Harman, Emma Griffiths, Michael George, Antonida Kocharova, James Legg, Hamish Dunlop, Sarah Jennings, Theresa Lim, Adeo Fraser, Nicola Frost, Hannah Bush, and Steven Howard as well as details of our upcoming events....

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    • Employment case law update now available

      3PB barristers Grace Nicholls and Sarah Bowen bring you a round-up of relevant case law updates in this 20-minute briefing. During this recorded case law update Sarah and Grace outline the most recent decisions and offer their thoughts on the implications for practitioners.  

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    • New collection of blogs available now from 3PB's pupils

      3PB’s pupil barristers Mariya Peykova, Georgina Dietrich, Alex Leonhardt, Tagbo Ilozue and others have contributed articles to the second edition of the pupils' newsletter, ‘’Publications during the Pandemic’’. To read the articles in full please click here.

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    • 3PB’s Paul Newman listed in Ninth Edition of The Best Lawyers

      3PB’s specialist construction law barrister Paul Newman has been listed in the Ninth edition of The Best Lawyers in the United Kingdom. The announcement was made yesterday and full listings can be found here. Paul has lengthy experience of  construction and engineering law, both contentious and non contentious. He also features in the current edition of Legal 500. He is also an experienced adjudicator and mediator. Please click here to view his full profile. To instruct Paul, please contact...

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    • 3PB warns unreasonable refusals to engage with ADR may well come at a cost to the client

      3PB’s specialist commercial law barristers David Parratt KC and Rebecca Farrell review the cost consequences of a clients unreasonable refusal to engage in ADR. The article includes a recent case law review which demonstrates a particular trend whereby Courts will examine closely the actions of the parties in relation to offers of ADR as to whether they are ‘reasonable’ or not. Even the failure to respond to a Part 36 Offer alongside an offer to...

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    • 3PB Family team music video debuts as Video of the Day in The Lawyer

      3PB’s Head of Family team, Vanessa Meachin QC led some of her 70-strong team in a fun rendition of a Foo Fighter’s favourite, which featured as Video of the Day today Tuesday 9th June 2020 in The Lawyer, as part of their Law Against Loneliness daily campaign. To see the music video, click here. Have your say on this entertaining tribute and lockdown living. Can you spot Liz McGrath QC or Hamish Dunlop’s contributions -...

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