• Personal injury team newsletter - including new Ogden Tables commentary - out now!

    In the latest issue of the personal injury newsletter we bring you a summary of the changes in the much anticipated 8th edition of the Ogden Tables. Michelle Marnham considers the main differences between the old edition and new and she reminds us to review any outstanding Part 36 Offers in light of the changes. We have also included two recent costs decisions which you may find helpful: firstly Grace Nicholls summarises John Coleman v...

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  • Latest webinar for schools and colleges facing A-level and GCSE results about-turn

    3PB education barristers Lachlan Wilson and Matthew Wyard join forces with insurance brokers Hayes Parsons and law firm DAC Beachcroft to advise schools and colleges on how they can best support students and pupils. We'll explore the implications of today's government decision to revert to centre-assessed grades decided by teachers rather than relying on the algorithm as previously advised for schools and colleges.  

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  • What next for A level students? Watch this webinar from 3PB education barristers

    Specialist 3PB education barristers Matthew Wyard and Alice de Coverley hosted a webinar this morning for those affected by last week’s A-level results. Watch the recording for some useful guidance now that the government has announced its decision to let teacher-assessed grades stand instead of those generated by the central algorithm.

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  • Education law barristers issue urgent advice for students and schools on today’s A-level results

    Specialist education law barristers Alice de Coverley and Matthew Wyard have issued urgent advice for students and schools regarding today’s A-level results. Since the Coronavirus pandemic started, the education sector has had to adapt to new ways of working. This has posed significant challenges for schools and students across the UK. Today (13th August 2020), A-level students will receive their long awaited results for exams they didn’t get to sit. The guidance is ever-changing and...

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  • Nadine Lee v Splunk: 3PB’s Simon Tibbitts successful in high profile sex discrimination claim

    3PB’s employment and discrimination barrister Simon Tibbitts was instructed by law firm Clarks Legal LLP to represent the claimant, a hugely successful IT sales executive, before the London Central employment tribunal in a final hearing lasting over 6 days in December 2019. The claimant, Nadine Lee, brought several claims against her ex-employer Splunk Services UK, which is part of a US multinational technology company based in San Francisco. Splunk were represented by Jane Mulcahy QC...

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  • AFQC and BM and Hampshire Award 2020

    3PB criminal barristers awarded Certificates of Congratulations from the Chief Constable of Hampshire

    3PB criminal barristers Adam Feest QC and Berenice Mulvanny have both been awarded a "Certificate of Congratulations" from the Chief Constable of Hampshire for their “professionalism, dedication, empathy and attention to detail” in prosecuting a complicated and high-profile, historical sexual abuse case. Pictured here, after receiving their awards, are criminal barrister Berenice Mulvanny and Adam Feest QC, 3PB’s Head of Crime at the national chambers. To contact either barrister, please call their clerk Stuart Pringle...

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  • VAT: HMRC disagreed with its own guidance

    Max Schofield analyses Landlinx Estates Ltd v HMRC, in which an option agreement over land was broken when the seller backed out and paid the would-be buyer £1.4m. HMRC wanted a slice of the action as VAT on the deal. Click here to read the full analysis, published in Accounting Web. Max Schofield is a commercial chancery barrister with an interest in VAT liability and rates as well as contractual disputes and commercial injunctions. Max...

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  • Gareth Graham edits August's employment and discrimination law newsletter

    Gareth Graham has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Katherine Anderson, Sarah Clarke, and Naomi Webber. The newsletter provides a round up of the latest employment law news, case law reviews from our leading barristers; and an update on the latest in our series of webinars and our new recorded case law updates. Click here to view the newsletter. News and topics reviewed include: Tribunals update Evaluation of court and tribunal...

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  • Read our reports on two Supreme Court Employment Appeals

    Gareth Graham reports on two important appeals which took place this month. Both were live-streamed from the Supreme Court, and the judgments will be promulgated later in the year. The first, Uber v Aslam and others, concerns the well-known private hire vehicle booking service. Journeys are booked through a smartphone app, which connects passengers to drivers. The drivers contend that, during the periods covered by their claims, they were “workers” for the purposes of the...

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  • Judicial College issues guidance on remote hearings for Judges

    The Judicial College Equal Treatment Bench Book has issued guidance for judges on the conduct of remote hearings. Employment Barrister Gareth Graham outlines its key findings. The guidance states that remote hearings are “by no means the new normal”, but that they will continue to have a place in the future. It acknowledges that the pandemic has left many cases languishing, and that the natural inclination is to get them heard as soon as possible....

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  • Evaluation of court and tribunal video hearings

    Following the publication of an independent evaluation of HMCTS video hearings, Employment Barrister Gareth Graham briefly compares the 3PB team's experiences with the research's key findings. The research reports on a process evaluation of the user experience of video hearings in the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber). The pool of data is limited, and the pilot used an early technical product to test the concept of video hearings, so it is perhaps of limited direct relevance...

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  • Tribunals: 3PB's experience of their reopening

    It has now been a full month since tribunals reopened their doors to in-person hearings on 29 June 2020. Employment barrister Gareth Graham provides an update of what has changed since the reopening. During the past month, guidance as to how those in-person hearings should operate has not changed to any significant degree. On a practical level, hearing venues have taken steps to allow for social distancing. For example, at Reading, two of the four hearing rooms...

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