• 3PB webinar on disability discrimination now available to view

    Employment barristers Karen Moss and Grace Boorer presented today's employment law webinar on disability discrimination. You can view the webinar below. Karen gave an updated overview of liability under Section 15 Equality Act 2010 including the most recent authorities. She focused on how tribunals approach a claim of discrimination arising from disability encompassing: Requisite knowledge under s.15 cf. failure to make reasonable adjustments, considering Baldeh v Churches Housing Association of Dudley and District and Tesco...

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  • Sarah Clarke edits September's employment and discrimination law newsletter

    Sarah Clarke has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Simon Tibbitts, Grace Nicholls, Daniel Brown, and Grace Boorer. The newsletter provides a round up of the latest employment law news, case law reviews from our leading barristers; and an update on the latest in our series of webinars and our new recorded case law updates. Click here to view the newsletter. News and topics reviewed include: 3PB cautiously reopens offices New:...

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  • 3 Paper Buildings (3PB) shortlisted again at the Family Law Awards 2020

    We are delighted to announce that 3PB’s Rachael Goodall has been shortlisted for the ‘Family Law Junior Barrister of the Year’ award at this year’s Family Law Awards. 3PB’s Family clerking team, led by Rob Leonard and Ian Charlton, have also been shortlisted for Clerking Team of the Year for the second consecutive year. In shortlisting Rachael and the Family Clerking team, the Awards acknowledged the six-office national chambers’ barristers and its clerks for their...

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  • Pupillage essay competition - winners, runners-up and highly commended essays now published

    3PB's essay competition for prospective pupils produced a fantastic range of entries on the subject of “What I learned in Lockdown”. The quality of the 132 entries was remarkably high. Reading the determined hope contained in these essays has given all of us at a glimpse of the resilience and capabilities of this generation of students. Here is the final list of winners and highly commended essays! It was a remarkably difficult decision as the...

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  • Southampton University law school prize-winners announced  

    3PB has continued its long association and support of Southampton Law School with, in 2020, the 3PB Prize for Best Performance in Criminal Law. This year’s Prize was shared by Matthew Warner and Bella Cordwell. Both students got 78% in Criminal Law and were assessed by Southampton University Law School’s Board of Examiners as equally deserving of the prize. The national chambers – with offices locally in Bournemouth and Winchester as well as top-rated for...

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  • Family barrister Martine Kushner appointed Circuit Judge

    3PB offer many congratulations to the announcement that one of its family barristers’ Martine Kushner has been appointed to be a Circuit Judge. She will be known as Her Honour Judge Kushner. Called to the bar in 1980, Martine was appointed as a Recorder in 2002. The Lord Chief Justice has deployed her to the South Eastern Circuit, based at the Central Family Court with effect from today, 1 September 2020. Formal confirmation of her...

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  • Education team’s Emma Waldron interviewed on 2020 exams fiasco  

    3PB’s specialist education barrister, Emma Waldron, has been interviewed for the UK's No. 1 legal consumer podcast "Get Legally Speaking" about the current legal landscape and what the future may hold for unhappy students. On 18th March 2020, exams were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic; then on 17th August this year, a U-turn decision was announced by the Secretary of State for Education that allowed A-Level students to receive grades based on their teachers'...

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  • 3PB launches dedicated Covid-19 resources hub

    3PB Barristers have created a dedicated webpage on its website to act as a hub for the many articles, briefings and webinar and podcast recordings about lockdown laws and regulations as well as practical issues like court attendance, e-bundles, remote and hybrid hearings. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to create employment, contractual and other legal challenges which are in many ways unprecedented. The impact of the virus is being felt, and in response, 3PB have...

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  • Winners announced for pandemic essay competition

    3PB Barristers can finally announce the winner of our Pandemic Essay Competition on the subject of ““What I learned in Lockdown”. The quality of the 132 entries was remarkably high.  Reading the determined hope contained in these essays has given all of us at a glimpse of the resilience and capabilities of this generation of students.  The winner of the Essay Competition was Tomas Canning for “Knitting Together”, who receives a week’s mini pupillage with...

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  • Angela Grahame QC appointed as Senior Counsel to Sheku Bayoh Public Inquiry

    3PB Barristers announce the appointment of one of its silks, Angela Grahame QC, as Senior Counsel to the Sheku Bayoh Public Inquiry. Chaired by Lord Bracadale, the Inquiry will seek to examine the circumstances of the death of Sheku Bayoh who died in police custody on 3 May 2015. It will also review if and to what extent, actual or perceived race played a part in the death of Mr Bayoh. The Inquiry is due...

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  • News Corp UK & Ireland Ltd v HMRC: VAT and digital newspapers

    In this article written for the British Tax Review, Max Schofield reviews News Corp UK & Ireland Ltd v HMRC and whether digital versions of newspapers should attract VAT, while printed versions do not. Click here to read Max Schofield's analysis. Max Schofield is a commercial chancery barrister with an interest in VAT liability and rates as well as contractual disputes and commercial injunctions. Max has been instructed to advise and appear in his own right...

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  • New legal and practical guidance issued about today’s GCSE exam results for students and schools

    3PB’s specialist education  barristers Alice de Coverley and Matthew Wyard have co-authored a two-part report, for students and schools separately, about today’s GCSE results day (20 August 2020). This follows their A Level advice guide and webinar earlier this week. The Department for Education (“DfE”) changed its approach in a major U-turn five days after the A Level results were released. The switch to centre assessment grades (rather than the standardised/moderated grades) will apply to...

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