3PB’s Public and Regulatory Law barrister Matthew Wyard has provided an update on UK tobacco law in light of Article 7 of the EU Tobacco Productive Directive. Article 7 of the Directive became applicable in the UK 20th May 2020, meaning that the sale of any tobacco products with a characterising flavour is now illegal. To read the full article please click here. To discuss this article further, or to instruct Matthew on a matter...
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3PB’s Public and Regulatory barrister Matthew Wyard has provided an overview of the MHRA’s Market Authorisation process for bringing new products to market in the UK. Designed for the pharmaceutical industry and those advising them, this article looks at the different types of authorisation available and the process for approving medicines in the UK. To read the full article please click here. To discuss this article further, or to instruct Matthew on a matter relating...
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3PB's Education Team has produced a newsletter featuring contributions from Matthew Wyard, Alice de Coverley, Naomi Webber and Faizul Azman with a foreword from team head Charlotte Hadfield. Read the newsletter here The team has chosen two topics that are related to Covid-19 that we think are here to stay (at least for the next quarter!) and reviewed two new authorities that are unrelated to the pandemic. On the Covid-19 front, Matthew Wyard considers the meaning...
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3PB Education and public law barrister Matthew Wyard examines the impact of the new Coronavirus Bill on the independent education sector and uncovers some unexpected roles and demands on private schools. Click here to read Matthew's analysis. Matthew Wyard has practised in the field of education law for 8 years and is happy to represent any party in educational disputes. He is currently writing for the forthcoming, inaugural edition of the new Education Law Handbook...
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Education and public law barrister Matthew Wyard and Paul Wyard of Sinclairslaw review Nottinghamshire CC v SF and another, a case in which the Court of Appeal held that the First-Tier Tribunal had correctly construed the meaning of ‘necessary’ in section 37(1) of the Children and Families Act 2014 (CFA 2014) in finding that it was necessary for special educational provision to be made for a child in accordance with an EHC Plan – even...
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Matthew Wyard analyses Re: ACC &Ors [2020] EWCOP 9, a case concerning the conflicts of interests that may arise where property and affairs deputies instruct a firm with which they are associated to carry out instructions for P, or to conduct litigation on P’s behalf. Click here to read Matthew's analysis. Click here to view a copy of the judgment. Matthew Wyard is a public law barrister specialising in the fields of health (including Court...
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Charlotte Hadfield and Matthew Wyard, instructed by Sinclairslaw, acted for the parents in the decision, handed down today, of Nottinghamshire County Council v SF and GD. The case concerned an appeal brought by Nottinghamshire County Council against the earlier Upper Tribunal decision of the same name ([2019] UKUT 243 (AAC)) which itself was an appeal against a decision of the First Tier Tribunal requiring the local authority to issue an EHC Plan to HD. The...
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3PB is pleased to welcome Matthew Wyard, a public law barrister specialising in the fields of education, health and social care. He joined chambers having spent his first few years of practice as an employed barrister in the public law and commercial litigation departments of a well-known specialist public law firm. Matthew brings significant experience of court-based and advisory work for claimants and local authorities in education matters, individuals and institutions in Court of Protection disputes...
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