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    New anti-bullying initiative for the Bar

    3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) is supporting All Rise (The Bar) as sponsors. The project is aimed at standing up and speaking out against bullying, harassment, belittling and discriminatory behaviour against our colleagues at the Bar. You can support the project here. Four participants in the Bar Council Leadership Programme (including 3PB's own Lydia Pemberton) decided to launch a project that invites the Bar to step up and actively create a better culture through standing up...

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    Hats4Headway virtual quiz raises over £1,000 for Headway

    National chambers 3PB’s personal injury and clinical negligence team partnered with Headway Salisbury and South Wiltshire for the second time this year to organise a virtual quiz in aid of the brain injuries charity. Thanks to the generosity and support of the 55 attendees who donned their wackiest hats (photo evidence attached) for another evening testing general knowledge skills, the teams managed to raise an incredible £1,073 to help Headway continue supporting people affected by...

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    Jonathan Underhill is guest speaker at the Cannabis Trades Association webinar on Novel Foods

    3PB’s specialist regulatory barrister and Head of Trading Standards, Jonathan Underhill will be joining Ricardo Geada, Head of Cannabis and Regulatory Team at Mackrell Law; Siân Phillips, Managing Director at Cannabis Trades Association; and Leon Livermore, Director at KFP consulting to present a webinar on trading standards for the Cannabis Trades Association. The webinar ‘’Novel Foods – What Now? How to engage with the Regulators!’’ will be taking place on Friday 21st May 10am-11am. The...

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  • Sunyana Sharma

    Sunyana Sharma delivers a beginners guide to inquests for Middle Temple

    3PB’s specialist regulatory and inquest barrister Sunyana Sharma presented a webinar to Middle Temple Young Barristers’ Association (MYBTA) last week, giving a comprehensive introduction to practising in the field of inquests followed by a Q&A session. This well-attended, popular event was part of the ‘Expand Your Practice’ Series, developed by the Middle Temple Young Barristers’ Association, and was also available to members of other Inns of Court. Sunyana is also a member of 3PB’s equality...

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  • Neil Matthews joins 3PB Crime team

    3PB are pleased to announce that Neil Matthews, formerly of Farringdon Chambers in London, has joined its Crime team. Described as “a rising star advocate”, Neil practising in criminal, public and civil law. He is regularly instructed across a broad range of matters including violence, drugs, and financial crime. Prior to coming to the Bar, he founded a successful consultancy business and worked in the legal division of Goldman Sachs. Adam Feest KC, Head of...

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  • Amy Beddis

    Amy Beddis is guest speaker about costs in financial remedy proceedings

    3PB’s specialist family finance barrister, Amy Beddis (pictured here) has recorded a webinar on costs in financial remedy proceedings for MBL (Management, Business, Law). In this recorded webinar, Amy outlines the new cost provisions in the Family Procedural Rules and discusses the issue of costs within financial remedy proceedings. MBL is a leading force in learning and development for professional services and MBL subscribers can watch the recorded webinar on costs in financial remedy proceedings here. To instruct...

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  • Employment and discrimination newsletter out now - May 2021

    Welcome to May's newsletter This month’s employment law newsletter features case law updates from Sarah Clarke, Naomi Webber, Andrew MacPhail and Grace Boorer covering: the correct test to apply in re-engagement orders; the workers status of foster carers under article 11 ECHR; what to do when faced with unclear and confused pleadings from a litigant in person and the ‘long-term’ adverse effect on disability status. We share a link to our new resource page for...

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    Lydia Pemberton discusses contentious probate disputes for Women in Wills

    3PB’s specialist contentious probate barrister, Lydia Pemberton (TEP) (pictured here) spoke at the fourth Women in Wills event of 2021 by Practical Vision alongside Tara McIness, a partner in the contentious probate team at Burnside Partnership. Lydia spoke about the recent contentious dispute case Re R (Deceased) (2021) EWHC 936 (Ch), the judgment in which had been handed down on 16th April. The case was in relation to the provision for minor children from their...

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  • A picture of the tower block fire at New Providence Wharf in East London

    3PB calls again for Australia-style laws after East London fire

    Two of 3PB’s specialist construction barristers have again called for Australia-style legislation for the house and building construction industry after the latest tower block fire at New Providence Wharf in East London. Residents have been fighting to remove the building’s cladding since the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people. Work to remove the cladding was due to begin last month on the 1,500-apartment tower block which has ACM cladding. Phase 2 of the...

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  • Inquest

    Long running inquest into the death of Laura Booth concluded

    An inquest that saw solicitors instructed in early 2018 concluded that Laura Booth, a young woman who went in to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in 2016 for a routine procedure, became unwell and developed malnutrition due to inadequate nutrition. David Evison, a Partner at Anthony Collins, who acted for Laura’s parents throughout the inquest process, says in his write up of the inquest that the coroner found Laura's death was contributed to by neglect on...

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    New resource for employment lawyers now available

    3PB's Employment and Discrimination group bring you a new resource for employment lawyers designed to bring a host of useful news, case analyses, videos and podcasts together in one place. Do visit the employment law resource centre here and look out for regular updates.

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    Wills and Estates: Early Neutral Evaluation service from 3PB Barristers

    Judges are increasingly asking parties to use Alternative Dispute Resolution to resolve disputes. Whilst mediation has been the traditional route taken to achieve this; we are seeing a significant rise in the use of Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) in contested probate cases. Use of ENE can often help client to settle early, efficiently and cost effectively How it works Once the parties agree on ENE as the preferred route, they appoint one of our specialist...

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