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Today, International Women’s Day (8 March), gives us an opportunity to celebrate the amazing collection of 3PB women working at the Bar across all areas of practice, not just today, but every day. During the last 12 months there have been far too many career milestones reached by women who call 3PB their professional home than we could possibly do justice to here. Some of these include three female barristers being appointed as Recorders including...
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Two barristers from 3PB's Financial Remedy Team, Michael George (pictured left) and Aimee Fox (pictured right) - have penned a review on variation applications for the latest issue of Family Law, contrasting the treatment of the applications for variations in income awards with those for non-income/capital provision. The feature reviews two key cases of BT v CU and T v T, offers a postscript on PAG Report 2019 and suggests several lessons learnt from these...
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3PB criminal and regulatory barrister Nick Cotter, pictured here, represented South Wales Safety Consultancy Ltd which was one of the defendants in a Crown Court trial, after a scaffolder was crushed to death when a church collapsed ahead of its demolition in Cardiff. This was a complex case concerning individual corporate defendants facing a range of offences and four contractors were given suspended prison sentences. Keith Young was the contractor in charge of the demolition,...
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Distinguished arbitrator and barrister Philip Bambagiotti, pictured here, from 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) who practises from chambers in London and Sydney, has been appointed as an arbitrator of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) and included on their panel of arbitrators for a three-year term until February 2025. Established in 1983 at the start of China’s reform and opening-up, the SCIA (also known as the “South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission”,...
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3PB's Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence teams will be raising money for the Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT) at their Diamond Awards evening on Friday 4 March. The national chambers are sponsors of the "Rising Star" award at the charity event. This latest fundraising for CBIT by 3PB is at the Hilton Hotel at the Oxford Belfry and celebrates those helping children with an acquired brain injury. Anyone wishing to donate to CBIT, please click...
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Welcome to March's newsletter In this edition of our employment law newsletter, our news section considers the impact of the lifting of the last Covid restrictions on employers; updated Acas guidance for bereavement and the Home Office's postponement of the digital right-to-work checks. Legal analysis is provided by our members: - Alex Leonhardt looks at the limits of “firing and re-hiring”, with his analysis of USDAW & Ors v Tesco Stores Limited [2022] EWHC 201 (QB); - Andrew...
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3PB’s specialist criminal defence barrister Nick Robinson has just acted as judge for the University of Warwick and Warwick Law Society ‘Internal Mooting Final’ held at the Supreme Court. Finalists Ambrose Yu, Sacha Houghton, Connor Neo Xue Ern and Bernard Carr-de Avelon competed in Court Room 1 of the Supreme Court. Nick judged the submissions in a fictional appeal where the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) gave leave to appeal certifying two questions of law of general public...
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3PB’s specialist commercial barrister Max Schofield, pictured here, has recently completed Advocate's pro-bono "25 for 25" challenge. This prompts barristers to provide 25 hours of pro-bono advice to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the well-known pro bono charity. Advocate said of Max : ‘‘It is truly wonderful to have such dedicated and compassionate barristers as yourself, who continually prioritise access to justice for all, and make time for pro bono on top of their busy...
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3PB’s education and public law expert Alice de Coverley acted as Junior Counsel for Ofsted, led by Sarah Hannett QC, in this major public inquiry. Gabriel Adedeji, 3PB public law and regulatory law expert, acted as disclosure counsel for Ofsted. This latest strand of this ground-breaking investigation into the school sector by IICSA lasted for over three years and had several dimensions. Its first phase focused on residential specialist music schools and residential special schools,...
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Two of 3PB's well-known education team, specialist barristers Emma Waldron and Alice de Coverley - featured here left to right - have assisted law centre CCLC in their successful legal challenge to get Norfolk County Council to reverse its huge cuts to a boy’s speech therapy. Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) and the two counsel represented H, an 11-year-old boy, who was told he would only receive only 25% of the therapy he had previously,...
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Makhsudul Islam (2013 call), pictured here, becomes a member of 3PB Barristers today - having completed a third six pupillage with the national chambers - and will specialise in personal injury and clinical negligence claims, costs and insolvency/debt recovery. A former PI litigation solicitor, Makhsudul has already built up a busy court practice of trials, interlocutory hearings and drafting. He has a strong following and is regularly instructed by tier 1 defendant insurance law firms...
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3PB criminal defence barrister Nick Robinson (pictured here) represented PS who was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment for serious sexual offences against two victims. Nick’s written grounds of appeal persuaded the Single Judge Mr Justice Jacobs to grant leave to appeal against sentence. Following oral submissions before the Full Court, Lord Justice Bean, Mr Justice Sweeny and HHJ Griffiths-Jones QC The Recorder of Maidstone, Nick successfully argued that the sentence of 6 years was manifestly...
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