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3PB's specialist family law practitioner Michael George (pictured here), was delighted to be asked to speak at the recent Brewin Dolphin Family Law Dinner. Held at St Anne's College, Oxford, the event was an enjoyable evening of drinks, food and stimulating conversation among peers in the family law community. Michael was one of three speakers who gave thoughtful updates in their field of expertise, with Michael offering insights on variation applications in financial remedy proceedings,...
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3PB's specialist regulatory law barrister Nicholas Cotter (pictured here) with Phil Williams, of Blackfords LLP secured a not guilty result on the eve of the trial for pub landlady Mrs. Kellie McGarry who was facing prosecution by the HSE over the death of a customer. Mrs. Kellie McGarry who ran Rosehill Tavern, where Elaine Horrocks died after falling down the cellar steps more than four years ago, was charged with failing to do business to...
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In this post for Thomson Reuters Practical Law Dispute Resolution Blog, 3PB's commercial and chancery barrister, Aaron Mayers (pictured here) discusses the court's approach in determining whether to grant an extension of time to serve a claim form out of the jurisdiction during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Qatar Investment and Project Development Holding Co v Phoenix Ancient Art S.A.) Read the full blog here
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Congratulations to 3PB specialist Employment and Discrimination barrister Daniel Brown (pictured here) on being co-opted to the Employment Law Bar Association (ELBA) management committee. Daniel represents individuals, businesses and other organisations in Tribunal, Court and Professional Regulatory/Disciplinary proceedings. Daniel has particular expertise in the healthcare sector, having advised and represented professionals including doctors, nurses and midwives as well as NHS Trusts, Regulators and Care Homes. ELBA was formed in 1994, the Employment Law Bar Association...
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3PB's contentious probate and commercial and property disputes barrister Ashley Blood-Halvorsen (pictured here), who is an Affiliate with the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), has been awarded merit grade in her Taxation of Trusts and Estates exam as part of the TEP qualification(E&W) which covers income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. Ashley's colleague Oliver Ingham is also working towards his TEP qualification. If you wish to instruct Ashley on any matter,...
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3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) are delighted to announce today that the team has taken on two new members to their 234-strong team, senior barrister Patrick Heneghan (pictured right) and surveyor-turned-barrister William Charlesworth. Both are based at the large national chambers' London office in the Inner Temple. Former Skaddens partner, Patrick Heneghan left the US law firm after almost 15 years in its international litigation and arbitration team. More recently Patrick has been assisting retired High...
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On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the Grenfell Fire, leading building safety and cladding disputes barrister Philip Bambagiotti from 3PB (3 Paper Buildings), pictured here, has said that the experience in Australia is that "a new regulator and policing regime is likely to have difficulties in delivering the promised, safer buildings, or in providing adequate remedies for residents blighted by unsafe cladding. We need to a broad, bold, comprehensive approach if we are to bring...
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The Global Slavery Index estimates there are 40.3 million people trapped in some form of slavery around the globe today. In the UK, 12,727 people were officially identified as potential victims of modern slavery in 2021. Slavery and trafficking are crimes punishable by severe penalties, yet the problem remains and is growing. The ACTion to Combat Modern Slavery Justice Hub is a Wilberforce Institute and University of Hull Alumni funded project that seeks to combat modern slavery by using research and...
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Welcome to June's employment law newsletter In the June edition of our newsletter, we highlight the government's forthcoming reform of exclusivity clauses and the start in the UK of the world's largest 4-day week trial. Case law analysis is provided by our members and pupils: - Oliver Hirsch analyses Knightly v Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2022] EAT 63 in which the EAT considers if an employer who fails to make reasonable adjustments to its dismissal...
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3PB's financial remedy specialist Michael George, pictured here, is featured in this month's Counsel magazine alongside Andrew Donaldson head of the Forensic Accounting Team at Dains Accountants. From the world of forensic accountancy, they present a checklist for barristers on valuing a business asset. With analogies relating to dogs and bones, this article really highlights the key areas to consider, including tips such as treating the company accountant's valuation with scepticism and considering quasi-partnerships carefully....
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Congratulations to the 3PB team of 14 barristers and colleagues who took part in a sponsored 10km walk in May to raise funds for advice agencies in and around Oxford. We know that these advice agencies do a fantastic job in preventing homelessness, resolving debt problems, gaining care for the elderly and disabled and fighting exploitation. We also know how short they are of the funds to continue that work, particularly as a result of...
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3PB family barrister Luke Nelson, pictured here, will shortly see his review entitled "FRC efficiency statement – an update from the trenches" published in the June 2022 issue of Family Law. This article surveys the ‘lay of the land’, three months after the FRC Efficiency Statement. At its launch, the Efficiency Statement was heralded by some as a necessary step towards collaborative working in financial remedies. Others queried whether the front-loading brought about by its...
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