• Mark Wilden

    Mark Wilden successfully represents Devon jeweller in intellectual property dispute

    3PB specialist intellectual property barrister Mark Wilden (pictured here) represented Devon-based Jo James (trading as Jo James Jewellery) in her successful claim for passing off against competitor Amanda Mitchell (aka Amanda Nimmo), who operates the business “Borabeads”. Mitchell had entered into a consultancy agreement with James in February 2018 and left to set up her own business in September 2018, keeping the same social media accounts but changing their branding to her new “Borabeads” brand. ...

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  • Nick Robinson 560x670 3

    Nick Robinson successfully defends Chinese doctor over allegations of serious sexual assaults by a disabled patient

    3PB criminal defence barrister Nick Robinson (pictured here) successfully defended Hongwei Dong, a Chinese doctor and acupuncturist at his trial at Bournemouth Crown Court. Dr Dong was charged with seven counts of sexual assault against a disabled patient, aged in her 30's, between October and December 2018 at We Care Remedy in Commercial Road. Six of the allegations involved penetration. After a trial lasting eight days the jury returned unanimous not guilty verdicts on all counts...

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  • Personal injury law newsletter out now - February 2022

      Welcome to our first Personal Injury law newsletter of 2022 It certainly has been a busy few months, and I am not talking about all the alleged partying at Downing Street but, I am referring to the numerous cases recently reported and relevant to the law of Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence. This newsletter analyses some of those cases and also includes guidance on the New Highway Code Provisions. Luke Ashby writes about the...

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  • Adeo Fraser 5

    Adeo Fraser shortlisted for ‘‘barrister of the year’’

    3PB specialist family law barrister, Adeo Fraser (pictured here) has been shortlisted for ‘‘barrister of the year’’ at the 2022 Legal Awards by the Birmingham Law Society. Adeo Fraser is a busy family law barrister working from its ever-expanding Birmingham office. He advises and represents various parties on the full range of financial remedies, public and private law children disputes and is known for his pragmatic, robust approach and keen attention to detail, whilst remaining sensitive...

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  • BW 21 04 2020

    Stephen Harvey QC calls out the difficulties and offers solutions for new Covid Inquiry   

    3PB's crime and regulatory Silk Stephen Harvey QC - well-known for his public access work for businesses - has called the newly-announced Covid Inquiry under Baroness Heather Hallett DBE as "unprecedentedly complex" and "obvious tensions will exist as to the necessary breadth and scope of the Inquiry and the competing need to produce its report within a reasonable period of time. This promises to be an almost irreconcilable problem. Past examples, such as the Bloody...

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  • PUBLIC 1

    Trio of 3PB barristers successful in significant Upper Tribunal ‘Country Guidance’ appeal about Somalia

    Three of 3PB’s specialist public and regulatory law barristers: William Hansen, Matthew Wyard and Naomi Webber, successfully represented the Secretary of State for the Home Department in the decision of OA (Somalia) handed down on 2nd February 2022 following a six-day trial held in June 2021. The appeal was listed to consider whether the country guidance given in MOJ & Ors (Return to Mogadishu) Somalia CG [2014] UKUT 00442 (IAC) continued accurately to summarise the factual...

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  • Craig Ludlow

    Craig Ludlow on Industrial Action: the present limitations on the ability of trade unions to call industrial action

    Craig Ludlow, Head of 3PB’s Employment & Discrimination law team, analyses the present ability of and limitations on Trade Unions to call industrial action. To read Craig’s article, click here. View Craig Ludlow's profile here. The article will feature in the employment law group’s next monthly newsletter. If you would like to discuss this article further, subscribe to the newsletter or to instruct Craig, please contact his clerk Russell Porter on [email protected].

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    Matthew Wyard successful in judicial review of school transport decision for disabled child 

    3PB public law barrister Matthew Wyard, pictured here, recently acted in a judicial review for the claimant in R(on the application of EP, through her litigation friend MAP) v Norfolk County Council  and successfully secured home to school transport for them, as well as an agreed quashing of multiple decisions refusing this support. The claimant, EP, is a disabled child with physical and mental disabilities. At secondary transfer she secured a place at T School....

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  • William Hansen in Supreme Court success in leading case on principles of statutory interpretation

    The Supreme Court has today, Wednesday 2 February 2022, given judgment refusing the claimants’ appeals in R (O and Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2022] UKSC 3, the high-profile appeal concerning the fees charged to children applying to register as British citizens. 3PB's public law and regulatory barrister William Hansen, pictured here, represented the Home Secretary. The Appellants, led by the campaigning group...

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  • February 2022 employment law newsletter out now!

      Welcome to February's employment law newsletter In our February newsletter, our news section considers the final decision in the case of Lee v Ashers Baking Company Ltd and ors; the latest Covid-19 legal requirements and the government's likely decision to scrap the jabs for NHS staff policy.  Case law analysis is provided by - Alex Leonhardt on the CoA decision on vicarious liability and “horseplay” in the workplace in Chell v Tarmac Cement and Lime Ltd [2022] EWA...

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  • QA

    #Winning at pupillage applications in 2022

    3PB's Head of Pupillage, Cheryl Jones hosted a live Q&A workshop on pupillage applications today sharing her top tips and advice. The live Q&A was attended by future pupils who are currently completing their pupillage applications hoping to start in 2023. Visit 3PB's pupillage centre for more resources and information about pupillage. For more information on mental health support for the Bar, please visit Wellbeing at the Bar.

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  • 3PB Mock Tribunal website e1643276602814

    Specialist education law barristers present SEND mock tribunal

    Five barristers from 3PB’s specialist education law team recently joined forces with Oxfordshire County Council to host a SEND mock tribunal as part of a training session. Barristers Lachlan Wilson, Katherine Anderson, Matthew Wyard, Jennifer Agyekum and Naomi Webber presented the mock tribunal to over 80 attendees. 3PB’s education law team represents parents, pupils, schools, and their governing bodies (both from the maintained and the independent sectors), academies, universities and colleges, NGOs including charities, students,...

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