• Victoria Jones2

    Victoria Jones in successful in 'Rainbow Rangers' decision

    3PB’s specialist IP barrister Victoria Jones is successful in an appeal before the Appointed Person. Victoria recently represented Genius Brands International, Inc in an appeal against a decision by a hearing officer of the UKIPO refusing to register its ‘RAINBOW RANGERS’ mark as a result of an opposition brought by The Guide Association. In her decision, the Appointed Person, Emma Himsworth QC found that the hearing officer had erred in finding that there was a...

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  • Members supports CBA action to protect the future and the integrity of the criminal justice system

    At the end of last year, Sir Christopher Bellamy’s review of criminal legal aid recommended a number of actions which urgently needed to be taken in order to stop and reverse the decades long decline of the publicly funded bar due to under investment.  His proposals were well-considered and based upon a multitude of evidence he had obtained from a wide variety of sources. In recent weeks, members of the Criminal Bar Association have voted...

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  • April 2022 employment law newsletter out now!

    Welcome to April's employment law newsletter In the April edition of our employment law newsletter, we welcome Craig Ludlow's appointment to the Editorial Board of the Employment Lawyers Assocation (UK) Briefing magazine; report on the Fifth Addendum to the ET Presidential Guidance on awards for injury to feelings and psychiatric injury and other statutory increases to compensation from 6 April; and consider the ET's roadmap for how Employment Tribunal hearings will be conducted over 2022...

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  • A roadmap for how Employment Tribunal hearings will be conducted over 2022 to 2023

    The Presidents of the Employment Tribunals (England, Wales and Scotland) have issued a Road Map for how hearings will be conducted over 2022 to 2023. The Road Map is essential reading for all employment practitioners. However, in summary, different Employment Tribunals in different regions may move at different speeds and the decision about the format of a hearing in any particular case will always be a matter for a Judge to consider (and the parties...

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  • Christopher

    Christopher Pix’s client acquitted of resisting arrest and assault

    3PB specialist criminal barrister Christopher Pix (pictured here), successfully represented a client charged with assaulting an emergency worker and resisting arrest. The American citizen faced potentially damning evidence from a PC and PCSO, together with Body Worn Video. The client was an overstayer. He had been due to return to the US, but had been unable to do so. The Crown’s case was that he resisted lawful arrest and in doing so assaulted an emergency...

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  • Jodie Mittell 560x670 280x335 1

    Jodie Mittell represented taxi driver who had numerous rape allegations dropped

    3PB criminal barrister, Jodie Mittell, (pictured here) was instructed to represent a man from the Isle of Wight who was accused of raping six women over a period of 10 years. The 26 year old man of previous good character had been due to stand trial at Portsmouth Crown Court and his trial had been scheduled to last for four weeks from 4th April 2022. As part of his defence, Miss Mittell made a number...

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  • AFQC running e1639069605241

    3PB runs for charity in Winchester on Sunday 

    The Winchester General 10k obstacle run takes place this weekend, with a strong turnout from 3PB Barristers.  This event is the fifth leg of the Western Circuit Running Challenge (WCRC), which has the aim of running an event in all thirteen locations with a major court centre on the Western Circuit. This will raise money for the British Heart Foundation, Panathlon Challenge and Little Hearts Matter.  3PB, the largest barristers' chambers on the Western Circuit,...

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  • Hamish Dunlop Poonam Bhari

    Resources ahead of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 coming into force on 6 April

    Ahead of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 coming into force on 6 April this year, Hamish Dunlop and Poonam Bhari (pictured here), both senior juniors within 3PB’s family law team, hosted a webinar on the topic, aiming to provide background, context and guidance on the new legislation. The event attracted over one 1000 registrants. Hamish and Poonam have put together a Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 resources page where practitioners who might...

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  • Berenice Mulvanny 560x670 2 e1608629483398

    Berenice Mulvanny secures a rare Bind Over for a client charged with assaulting an emergency work

    3PB specialist criminal barrister Berenice Mulvanny, pictured here, successfully represented a client charged with assaulting an emergency worker, securing a rare Bind Over at Bournemouth Crown Court after the Prosecution agreed to offer no evidence in exchange for the defendant agreeing to be bound over in the sum of £400 for 12-months. A 47-year-old woman of good character was alleged to have assaulted a police officer in Bournemouth on 22nd August 2021. Once fairly common...

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  • Charles Irvine and Rebecca Farrell

    The perishing of post-pandemic protections: insolvency and commercial property update

    3PB specialist Commercial and Property barristers Charles Irvine and Rebecca Farrell (pictured here) reflect on the expiry of remaining temporary measures introduced by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (“CIGA”), which provided important protection to businesses during the Covid pandemic. Rebecca and Charles also examine the impact for Landlords and Tenants of the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 (“the Act”) which received Royal Assent on 24 March 2022, including useful guidance that practitioners may...

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  • Amy Beddis

    Amy Beddis to contribute to the Financial Remedies Journal’s new blog

    3PB’s specialist family finance barrister Amy Beddis (pictured here) has been invited to contribute to the Financial Remedies Journal’s new Blog which recently launched. Headed by HHJ Edward Hess, the journal aims to promote serious and high-level debate and thought about the workings of the world of financial remedies, both substantively and procedurally and inside and outside of court. Read Amy’s first post, entitled “Armed Forces Pension Scheme: Points to Consider…”. View Amy Beddis' profile here....

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  • Matthew Wyard

    Matthew Wyard completes Advocates pro-bono 25 for 25 Challenge

    3PB's specialist public and regulatory law barrister, Matthew Wyard, pictured here, has recently completed Advocates pro-bono 25 for 25 challenge. The 25 for 25 challenge encourages barristers to provide 25 hours of free legal advice to celebrate the 25 year anniversary of the pro-bono charity Advocate. Advocate said ‘‘Advocate’s anniversary initiative, 25 for 25: The Pro Bono Challenge, was conceived as a way to promote pro bono and recognise the Bar’s amazing contribution to access...

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