• October employment law newsletter out now!

    Welcome to October's employment law newsletter In our October newsletter, we report the publication by the government of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, likely, if passed, to effect important change to UK employment law. We consider ACAS' update of their advice on employee suspensions; the TUC's challenge of government anti-strike legislation and more positive news around the 4-day week trial. We also congratulate our employment team for another set of impressive results in the Legal 500's latest...

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  • Simon Astill

    Five 3PB pupil barristers become tenants

    3 Paper Buildings (3PB Barristers) has announced that five of its current pupils - former general counsel Jo Laxton (Employment & Discrimination) and four 12-month pupils: Rachel Bale (Commercial/Property & Estates), Olivia McGonigle (Crime), Oliver Hirsch (Crime/Personal Injury/Animal Welfare) and Robert Dawson (Construction/Commercial) - have become tenants following their successful pupillages at the national chambers. 3PB Chief Executive Simon Astill, pictured here, said: “We welcome these five pupils as new tenants and junior counsel across...

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  • Legal 500 2023

    3PB Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence team doubles its Legal 500 rankings in 2 years

    3PB Barristers congratulates its Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence team on doubling its Legal 500 rankings since 2021 to a total of 16 rankings this year (up 3 since 2022) across 4 Circuits (London, the Midlands, South Eastern and Western). The team has achieved a Top Tier ranking for Personal Injury in the South Eastern Circuit and a Tier 2 ranking in the Western Circuit. Recognised as a “’go-to chambers’ that acts for claimants and defendants...

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  • New Pupils

    3PB welcomes four new pupil barristers

    National chambers 3 Paper Buildings (3PB Barristers) has welcomed four new pupil barristers to its 230-strong barrister ranks today. The four pupils starting their twelve-month pupillages, pictured left to right from the top, are: former in-house energy lawyer Poppy Watson  who will be focusing on commercial litigation and arbitration; former in-house lawyer and domestic violence and disability campaigner Liz Adams who will be focusing on family law alongside property/other civil areas; former law firm PA Emma...

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  • Legal 500 2023

    3PB Family team goes from strength to strength in the Legal 500

    3PB Barristers congratulates its Family Law team for another strong set of results in the Legal 500 directory published on Wednesday. The Legal 500 attributed 39 individual rankings to 29 of our barristers across 4 Circuits (in London, the Midlands, South Eastern and Western). Our team is seen by clients as the ‘go-to chambers for family work with a good range of practitioners from junior through to silks’... an ‘excellent set of chambers [that] also...

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  • Legal 500 2023

    Another outstanding Legal 500 result for 3PB’s employment law barristers

    3PB Barristers congratulates its Employment and Discrimination team for another strong performance in the Legal 500 2023 edition published last night. 13 of the team’s 21 juniors are now ranked in the publication, attracting a total of 21 individual rankings across the South Eastern, Western, London and Midlands Circuits. The team consolidates its top tier position in South Eastern with 2 new rising star rankings, bringing the total of 3PB employment rankings to 5 in...

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  • Simon Astill

    3PB triumphs in latest Legal 500 ratings of the UK's best barristers  

    3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), the UK's third largest chambers, is delighted to report its best rankings yet - totalling 130 - in the Legal 500 2023’s edition published last night, up 12% on last year’s 116. The set has achieved its rankings across 5 large UK regions - or Circuits (London, South Eastern, Western, Midlands and Chester and Wales) - in 21 categories of law. Earlier this year, 3PB also celebrated its first rankings...

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  • Joseph England c 2 scaled 2 e1612972373270

    Joseph England successful in EAT appeal concerning the discrimination burden of proof and reasonable adjustments

    Lucas v Cosmeceuticals Ltd [2022] EAT 141 Heard in Scotland before Lord Fairley, the EAT dismissed the appeal and found in favour of the Respondent, represented by 3PB’s Joseph England. The judgment can be found here. The principal ground of appeal concerned a s.15 Equality Act 2010 claim and the link between the Claimant’s dismissal and the ‘something arising’ in consequence of the Claimant’s disability. The Employment Tribunal made a finding that there had been...

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  • Cheryl Jones

    Ellis v John Hodge Solicitors (a firm): the death of the lien?

    3PB commercial law barrister Cheryl Jones (pictured here) analyses Ellis v John Hodge Solicitors (a firm) EWHC 2284 (Comm), a case which raises the relevance of the long established right of the lien. Cheryl examines in particular the circumstances in which the power of the lien may be in turn strengthened or weakened. Click here to read Cheryl’s case analysis. Cheryl Jones is a member of the Commercial and Property and Estates teams. Cheryl is an...

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  • Our September 2022 employment law newsletter is out now!

    Welcome to September's employment law newsletter The world of employment has not sat still in the last month: our news section advertises encouraging results for the 4-day week trial currently conducted in the UK; a consultation on the tax status of remote and hybrid workers; a new CIPD report on Employer Focus on Working Parents; the government's launch of the Scale-up visa scheme, and the opening of a consultation on process for public sector exit payments....

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  • Jim Hirschman 3PB Barristers e1627400115267 280x335 1

    Pre-funded places attracting element 1 and 2 funding from ESFA

    3PB's family, education and public law barrister Jim Hirschmann (pictured here) analyses an Upper Tribunal ruling on the approach to be taken to pre-funded places attracting element 1 and 2 funding from ESFA. Writing for Local Government Lawyer, Jim comments, "The case of PM v Worcestershire County Council [2022] UKUT 53 (AAC) clarifies (1) the approach to be taken to pre-funded places attracting element 1 and 2 funding from ESFA [44]-[51] (2) suggests that new...

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  • Ashley Blood-Halvorsen

    Probate: when Section 21 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 comes to the rescue

    3PB Probate specialist Ashley Blood-Halvorsen (pictured here) analyses the case of Beasant v Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind & Ors [2022] EWHC 1319 (Ch), deemed to be referred to regularly in future – alongside the decision in RSPCA – when determining what gift of the nil rate band means. Click here to read Ashley’s analysis. Ashley Blood-Halvorsen specialises in business and property disputes with particular emphasis in property and estates, contentious probate and commercial...

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