• Mark Wilden Jan 2022 1 scaled

    Mark Wilden writes for The Barrister on fighting back against meritless IP takedown complaints

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist intellectual property barrister Mark Wilden (pictured here) has written for The Barrister on fighting against unjustified intellectual property takedown complaints in online platforms such as Amazon, eBay and YouTube. In his piece, “Rebalancing the scale: fighting back against meritless IP takedown complaints”, Mark explores three recent cases in which baseless complaints about alleged patent and copyright infringement have resulted in loss of income to individual sellers/content creators. Because sites such...

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  • Jonathan Underhill

    Jonathan Underhill secures acquittal in rape case

    3PB's specialist criminal and regulatory barrister Jonathan Underhill’s 28 year-old client was acquitted of charges of rape and intentional strangulation less than a week before trial. Despite prolonged and protracted attempts to gain access to his client’s phone, which had been retained by police investigators; a comprehensive review of that telephone material was undertaken by his defence team following its provision being directed by the Court. Jonathan uncovered vital exculpatory evidence which fundamentally undermined the...

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  • Employment law newsletter

    Employment and discrimination newsletter - June 2023

    Our Employment and Discrimination law team publishes its 49th monthly newsletter, edited by Katherine Anderson, with analysis from Katherine, Andrew MacPhail and Daniel Brown of Royal Parks Ltd v Boohene, Antwi and Others [2023] EAT 63; Lovingangels Care Home Ltd v Mhindurwa [2023] EAT 65; Alcedo Orange Ltd v Mrs G Ferridge-Gunn [2023] EAT 78; and Miles v Driver and Vehicles Standards Agency [2023] EAT 62.

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  • Alice de C 3PB scaled e1707736406221

    ADHD Alliance and Neurodiversity in Law launch new Custody Guide for ADHDers detained in custody

    The ADHD Alliance and Neurodiversity in Law, which is co-chaired by 3PB’s specialist education, equality, and public law barrister Alice de Coverley (pictured here), have launched the new ADHD in Custody: A Guide for ADHDers, or “the Custody Guide”, a booklet giving advice to ADHDers who have been detained in custody. The new guide, endorsed by former Lord Chancellor Sir Robert Buckland KBE KC MP, provides key information about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (“ADHD”), detainee legal...

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  • Oliver Hirsch 1

    Oliver Hirsch’s client acquitted of Class A drugs supply

    3PB Barrister’s (3 Paper Buildings) criminal barrister Oliver Hirsch (pictured here) saw his client acquitted by a jury of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, after trial at Bournemouth Crown Court. The prosecution had accused the defendant of taking a leading role in the supply of cocaine. Had his client been convicted, he faced a lengthy prison sentence. The allegations dated back four years, by which time he had moved on from what was...

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  • Amanda Fernandez and Elizabeth Porteous

    New 3PB tenants Elizabeth Porteous and Amanda Fernandez

    3PB are pleased to announce that two barristers Amanda Fernandez and former local authority family law assistant Elizabeth Porteous (pictured here, left to right) have both successfully completed their pupillages today and become tenants at - and members of - the 235-barrister, national chambers. Amanda Fernandez (call:2020) is joining 3PB's London office and accept instructions in property, housing, commercial and personal injury litigation. Elizabeth Porteous (call:2021) is a family barrister based in 3PB's Birmingham office...

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  • Matthew Wyard new

    Judicial Review: an overview for commercial practitioners

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist public law barrister Matthew Wyard has written a practical overview of judicial review, designed to assist commercial practitioners in serving their clients with “practical, cost-effective solutions to the impact of increased regulation”. In his article, Matthew acknowledges that judicial review was once seen as relating to areas of the law in which individuals looked to challenge the State in pursuance of their fundamental rights, but explains how, with the...

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  • recorders annoucement headshots v2 1

    Five 3PB barristers appointed as Recorders on the Western Circuit

    3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) is delighted to announce that family barrister Emma Harman, criminal barristers Gemma White and Jodie Mittell and personal injury barrister Tom Webb have been appointed as Recorders on the Western Circuit. The appointments will take effect as of 30 May 2023. The four are joined by associate member and specialist criminal barrister Kate Lumsdon KC. Former 3PB member District Judge Luke Ashby has also been appointed as a Recorder on the Western...

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  • Copy of CoPComm Episode May 23

    Episode 5 of CoP Comm now available

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) is pleased to announce that the fifth episode of its CoP Comm podcast is now live and available for download across major podcast platforms. In this episode, host Matthew Wyard is joined by special guest James Pantling-Skeet, Senior Associate at Boyes Turner, to discuss the recent decision of R(HL) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, as well as sharing views on how the process to challenge community...

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  • Paul Newman

    Paul Newman to deliver seminar for The Society of Construction Law

    Paul Newman, specialist construction law barrister at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), is set to speak at an upcoming seminar event to be held by The Society of Construction Law. The evening seminar and networking event will be held on 8 June 2023 in Cardiff and will see Paul speaking on the topic of “Expert Witness Mishaps”. In his seminar, Paul will be defining what it means to be an ‘expert’ witness under the codified...

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  • Jamie Johnston

    Jamie Johnston writes a whistlestop guide to building rapport with commercial clients for Counsel Magazine

    3PB barrister Jamie Johnston (pictured here) reflects on his many years of managing a successful business to distil invaluable advice for counsel seeking to rapidly establish strong relationships with their commercial clients. Jamie also considers some key questions for counsel keen to enhance their own practices. Read Jamie’s Counsel Magazine article here (pp 18-19). Jamie Johnston is a civil law barrister specialising in property & commercial disputes and in sports disciplinary work. His busy practice...

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  • Howard 2 scaled e1675850272580

    Steven Howard successful in opposing appeal in Family Court findings of fact case

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist family law barrister Steven Howard has successfully represented the Local Authority in opposing the appeal to reopen a findings of fact case at the Court of Appeal. The case in question, J (Children: Reopening Findings of Fact) [2023] EWCA Civ 465, involved the request by a stepfather to reopen a previous fact-finding case involving sexual assault allegations, made by two of the children, on the bases that the judge...

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