• Employment and discrimination law - January newsletter out now

      This month's newsletter is packed full of employment law news, case analysis and useful information written by our team of expert employment barristers.
      In this edition we bring you the news of a forthcoming new Silk appointment in our team, the latest employment news as well as our articles.
      We have a podcast recording on PI claims arising out of discrimination claims as well as an employment law update in video and podcast form.
      Finally, we invite you to register for our first live employment law webinar of 2021, due to take place on 18 February.

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    • 2 Dec image

      Watch again: webinar on vicarious liability and reflective loss

      3PB's Head of Chambers David Berkley QC, Seb Oram and Naomi Webber hosted a very well-attended webinar this morning on vicarious liability and reflective loss. In this lockdown year the Supreme Court has not been idle. The common law, by nature organic, was, in 2020, significantly developed or at least refined in respect of two key concepts. First, in Barclays Bank v Various Claimants [2020] UKSC 13 and WM Morrisons Supermarkets plc v Various Claimants...

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    • September 2020 3PB Education law newsletter

      Welcome to the second edition of the 3PB Education Team’s newsletter, edited by Matthew Wyard and featuring contributions from Caroline Stone, Katherine Anderson, Emma Waldron, Sarah Bowen, Naomi Webber, Alice de Coverley and news about Emma Waldron, Matthew Wyard and Hannah Bush. The past few months have been packed full with news and changes for the sector, with some of the most interesting changes for years, both from a political and legal perspective. Editing this quarter’s...

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    • Gareth Graham edits August's employment and discrimination law newsletter

      Gareth Graham has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Katherine Anderson, Sarah Clarke, and Naomi Webber. The newsletter provides a round up of the latest employment law news, case law reviews from our leading barristers; and an update on the latest in our series of webinars and our new recorded case law updates. Click here to view the newsletter. News and topics reviewed include: Tribunals update Evaluation of court and tribunal...

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    • New employment webinar available to watch now - Religion and Belief in the Workplace

      3PB barristers Naomi Webber and Katherine Anderson​ bring you another chance to see this webinar - first broadcast on 9 July 2020 - in which Katherine and Naomi discuss Religion and Belief in the Workplace, the issues arising and the implications of relevant case law.  

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    • New - employment law case update now available summarising cases of note

      3PB employment barristers Naomi Webber and Daniel Brown bring you a round-up of relevant case law updates in this 25-minute briefing. During this recorded case law update Naomi and Daniel outline the most recent decisions and offer their thoughts on the implications for practitioners. For further information about employment issues or for enquiries contact Russell Porter or call 01865 793 736.

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    • Faizul Azman edits July's employment and discrimination law newsletter

      Faizul Azman has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Grace Boorer, Joseph England, Craig Ludlow, Katherine Anderson, Naomi Webber, Daniel Brown and Grace Nicholls. The newsletter provides a round up of the latest employment law news, case law reviews from our leading barristers; and an update on the latest in our series of webinars and our new recorded case law updates. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed...

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    • Personal Injury newsletter out now featuring the latest news and case updates - June 2020

      Life in lockdown has brought changes for all of us and with the easing of restrictions and life going back to ‘normal’ many of us are left wondering what the new ‘normal’ means for litigators and how we, and the courts, will need to adjust. In this edition of the newsletter Catherine Purdy looks at some of these issues and whether we might be able to take any lessons from the Family Courts, which have...

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    • Grace Nicholls edits June's employment newsletter

      Grace Nicholls has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Craig Ludlow, Sarah Bowen, Daniel Brown, Mark Green, Mathew Gullick, Matthew Curtis, Naomi Webber and Grace Nicholls. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis including guidance and analysis arising from our recent successful webinar. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed include: Guide to the main issues linked to COVID...

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    • May 2020 3PB Education law newsletter

      3PB's Education Team has produced a newsletter featuring contributions from Matthew Wyard, Alice de Coverley, Naomi Webber and Faizul Azman with a foreword from team head Charlotte Hadfield. Read the newsletter here The team has chosen two topics that are related to Covid-19 that we think are here to stay (at least for the next quarter!) and reviewed two new authorities that are unrelated to the pandemic. On the Covid-19 front, Matthew Wyard considers the meaning...

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    • Naomi Webber edits 3PB's May Employment and Discrimination Newsletter

      Naomi Webber has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Craig Ludlow, Sarah Bowen, Sarah Clarke, Katherine Anderson, Grace Nicholls, Daniel Brown, Faizul Azman, and Naomi Webber. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis including guidance and analysis arising from our recent successful webinar. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed include: Guide to the main issues linked to COVID...

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    • Sarah Bowen edits 3PB's April 2020 Employment and Discrimination Newsletter

      Sarah Bowen has edited 3PB's latest Employment & Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Sarah Clarke, Katherine Anderson, Lachlan Wilson, Daniel Brown and Naomi Webber. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. Click here to read our latest News, and Case Law Updates and book to attend one of our events. Cases and topics reviewed include: Equality and discrimination in employment during the COVID-19 Pandemic Coronavirus Job...

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