• Grace Nicholls edits June's employment newsletter

      Grace Nicholls has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Craig Ludlow, Sarah Bowen, Daniel Brown, Mark Green, Mathew Gullick, Matthew Curtis, Naomi Webber and Grace Nicholls. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis including guidance and analysis arising from our recent successful webinar. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed include: Guide to the main issues linked to COVID...

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    • 3PB's Employment and Discrimination Newsletter - October 2019

      Lachlan Wilson and Mathew Gullick edit 3PB's latest Employment & Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Sarah Clarke. Case summaries cover: L v Q Ltd, [2019] EWCA Civ 1417 - The Court of Appeal affirms the importance of the principle of open justice in the context of Employment Tribunals, doubts whether there would ever be grounds (in a case not involving national security) for withholding publication of an ET judgment altogether, and refuses a disabled litigant’s...

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    • Part-time music teacher wins landmark Court of Appeal case confirming the method of calculating holiday pay for ‘part-year’ workers

      Music teacher Lesley Brazel, supported by the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) and ARAG who provide legal expenses insurance to the ISM’s members, turned to Nottinghamshire law firm Hopkins Solicitors LLP and counsel Charlotte Hadfield, Lachlan Wilson, and Mathew Gullick from 3PB, to bring her holiday pay claim to court. Mrs Brazel, who was employed on a zero-hours contract, which was expressed to be permanent but under which she was only required to work during...

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    • Part-time music teacher wins landmark Court of Appeal case for better holiday pay

      Music teacher Lesley Brazel, supported by the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) and their legal expenses insurers ARAG, turned to Nottinghamshire law firm Hopkins Solicitors LLP and counsel Lachlan Wilson and Mathew Gullick from 3PB to bring her holiday pay claim discrimination case to court. For more details click here .

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    • Employment Barristers Lachlan Wilson and Mathew Gullick in Court of Appeal case concerning holiday entitlement of workers on zero hours contracts

      At the beginning of May, Lachlan Wilson and Mathew Gullick appeared before the Court of Appeal for the employee, a school's peripatetic music teacher, in a challenge brought by the employer against the decision of the EAT (reported as Brazel v Harpur Trust at [2018] ICR D10) that, in cases involving workers on zero hours contracts, there was no basis to reduce the holiday entitlement of 5.6 weeks under the Working Time Regulations 1998 or to change...

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    • Supreme Court rules miscarriage of justice compensation law does not breach ECHR

      3PB barrister Mathew Gullick was junior counsel for the Justice Secretary in The Queen (on the applications of Hallam and Nealon) v Secretary of State for Justice [2019] UKSC 2 in which the Supreme Court, by a 5-2 majority, has ruled that the definition of “miscarriage of justice” in section 133(1ZA) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 is not incompatible with Article 6(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) (the presumption of innocence). ...

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    • 3PB Barristers are proud to announce three Recorder appointments

      3PB Barristers are delighted to announce that three of their barristers have been appointed as Recorders. Lawrence Messling, is assigned to sit on the North Eastern Circuit dealing with Family matters. William Hansen has been assigned to sit on the South Eastern Circuit dealing with Criminal matters. Mathew Gullick has also been assigned to sit on the South Eastern Circuit dealing with Criminal matters. Lawrence Messling, a specialist family law barrister with over twenty five...

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    • 3PB celebrates the launch of the 5th edition of 'Millington and Sutherland Williams on the Proceeds of Crime'

      3PB's public and regulatory team are proud to announce the publication of the fifth edition of 'Millington and Sutherland Williams on the Proceeds of Crime' (published by Oxford University Press).  The book is a leading practitioner text on all aspects of restraint, confiscation and civil recovery of the proceeds of crime.  It has been fully updated to cover the recent Money Laundering Regulations of 2017 and Criminal Finances Act 2017, including explanation of new measures such as Unexplained Wealth Orders....

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