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      Daniel Brown edits the Employment and Discrimination team's October newsletter

      Daniel Brown has edited 3PB's October Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Matthew Curtis, Sarah Clarke, Simon Tibbitts, Stephen Wyeth, Karen Moss, Grace Boorer, Lachlan Wilson, Grace Nicholls, Andrew MacPhail and Charlotte Hadfield. The newsletter brings you 3PB news, recordings as well as our case and legal analysis. You are also invited to register to attend our 8 October webinar on injunctions, restrictive covenants and team moves. Click here to view the newsletter. News...

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    • emp law hearings

      Daniel Brown and Grace Nicholls outline upcoming changes to Employment Tribunal rules

      3PB employment and discrimination barristers Daniel Brown and Grace Nicholls sum up the likely implications of the changes to the rules surrounding Employment Tribunals. Last week the government announced a raft of changes to increase flexibility within the Employment Tribunal system with the objectives of hearing more cases, opening up court space, swifter resolution of claims for employees and employers, deployment of a greater range of judicial expertise and greater use of virtual hearings. In...

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    • Sarah Clarke edits September's employment and discrimination law newsletter

      Sarah Clarke has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Simon Tibbitts, Grace Nicholls, Daniel Brown, and Grace Boorer. The newsletter provides a round up of the latest employment law news, case law reviews from our leading barristers; and an update on the latest in our series of webinars and our new recorded case law updates. Click here to view the newsletter. News and topics reviewed include: 3PB cautiously reopens offices New:...

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    • Personal injury team newsletter - including new Ogden Tables commentary - out now!

      In the latest issue of the personal injury newsletter we bring you a summary of the changes in the much anticipated 8th edition of the Ogden Tables. Michelle Marnham considers the main differences between the old edition and new and she reminds us to review any outstanding Part 36 Offers in light of the changes. We have also included two recent costs decisions which you may find helpful: firstly Grace Nicholls summarises John Coleman v...

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    • Faizul Azman edits July's employment and discrimination law newsletter

      Faizul Azman has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Grace Boorer, Joseph England, Craig Ludlow, Katherine Anderson, Naomi Webber, Daniel Brown and Grace Nicholls. The newsletter provides a round up of the latest employment law news, case law reviews from our leading barristers; and an update on the latest in our series of webinars and our new recorded case law updates. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed...

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    • Personal Injury newsletter out now featuring the latest news and case updates - June 2020

      Life in lockdown has brought changes for all of us and with the easing of restrictions and life going back to ‘normal’ many of us are left wondering what the new ‘normal’ means for litigators and how we, and the courts, will need to adjust. In this edition of the newsletter Catherine Purdy looks at some of these issues and whether we might be able to take any lessons from the Family Courts, which have...

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    • Employment case law update now available

      3PB barristers Grace Nicholls and Sarah Bowen bring you a round-up of relevant case law updates in this 20-minute briefing. During this recorded case law update Sarah and Grace outline the most recent decisions and offer their thoughts on the implications for practitioners.  

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    • Grace Nicholls edits June's employment newsletter

      Grace Nicholls has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Craig Ludlow, Sarah Bowen, Daniel Brown, Mark Green, Mathew Gullick, Matthew Curtis, Naomi Webber and Grace Nicholls. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis including guidance and analysis arising from our recent successful webinar. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed include: Guide to the main issues linked to COVID...

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    • Naomi Webber edits 3PB's May Employment and Discrimination Newsletter

      Naomi Webber has edited 3PB's latest Employment and Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Craig Ludlow, Sarah Bowen, Sarah Clarke, Katherine Anderson, Grace Nicholls, Daniel Brown, Faizul Azman, and Naomi Webber. The newsletter provides key resources to help businesses manage the employment consequences of the COVID-19 crisis including guidance and analysis arising from our recent successful webinar. Click here to view the newsletter News and topics reviewed include: Guide to the main issues linked to COVID...

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    • Katherine Anderson edits 3PB's March Employment and Discrimination Newsletter

      Katherine Anderson has edited 3PB's latest Employment & Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Sarah Clarke, Simon Tibbitts and Grace Nicholls. Cases reviewed are: Jesudason v Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWCA Civ 73 - Whistle-blowers beware: just because there is a PD doesn’t necessarily mean that the employer can’t respond (and damage your reputation) in order to ‘set the record straight’ Robinson v His Highness Sheikh Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qasim UKEAT/0106/19/RN - Illegality...

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    • Stephen Wyeth edits 3PB's February Employment and Discrimination Newsletter

      Stephen Wyeth has edited 3PB's latest Employment & Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Sarah Clarke, Katherine Anderson, Naomi Webber, Grace Nicholls. Cases reviewed are: Q v Secretary of State for Justice UKEAT/0120/19/JOJ - When are Article 8 rights engaged in the context of an unfair dismissal claim and how should the engagement of such rights be approached by the tribunal? Duncan Lewis Solicitors v Puar UKEAT/0175/19/RN - Strike Out: seriousness of default and possibility of...

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    • 3PB's Employment and Discrimination Newsletter - November 2019

      Richard Owen-Thomas edits 3PB's latest Employment & Discrimination newsletter, including contributions from Sarah Bowen, Katherine Anderson, Grace Nicholls and Naomi Webber. Case summaries cover: Bessong v Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust UKEAT/0247/18/JOJ - Third party harassment Mustard v Flowers & Ors [2019] EWHC 2623 (QB) - Covert recording in a PI claim: ramifications for Employment Tribunals? Ugradar v Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust UKEAT/0301/18 - Contractual redundancy pay and the statutory cap Gray v Mulberry...

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