• CoPComm Episode Sept 23

    Episode 7 of 3PB’s CoP Comm podcast is now available to download

    Episode 7 of 3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Court of Protection and community care podcast CoP Comm is now available to download. In this episode, co-presenters Matthew Wyard and Jim Hirschmann are joined by fellow 3PB Court of Protection barrister Jennifer Kotilaine to discuss Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v JS and Manchester City Council [2023] EWCOP33. All episodes of Cop Comm are available to stream via major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify,...

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  • Michelle Marnham

    A clarification of the “relationship akin to employment” and the “sufficiently close connection” tests in grooming cases

    3PB Head of Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Michelle Marnham (pictured here) and future 3PB Pupil Jeremy Warner analyse MXX v A Secondary School [2023] EWCA Civ 996. The case concerned the grooming/abuse of a minor by a work experience student. It provided the Court of Appeal with an opportunity to clarify the “relationship akin to employment” and the “sufficiently close connection” tests set out in The Catholic Child Welfare Society and others (Appellants) v...

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  • Rebecca McKnight 1

    Rebecca McKnight secures unanimous acquittal of a client charged with supplying Class A drugs

    3PB’s specialist criminal law barrister Rebecca McKnight (pictured here) has successfully secured an acquittal for her client of two charges of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and two charges of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs, after a trial at Southampton Crown Court. The defendant was a vulnerable person who had been facing these allegations for almost 2 years. If found guilty, the defendant would have likely faced a period...

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  • Employment and discrimination law newsletter - September 2023

    Employment and discrimination newsletter - September 2023

    Welcome to the September 2023 edition of our employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Joseph England, it features analysis and contributions from Joseph England, Mark Green, Sarah Clarke, Katherine Anderson and Grace Holden and team news about Sarah Bowen, Mark Green and Sarah Clarke.

    Case analysis covers the following cases: Rajput v Commerzbank and Société Générale [2023] EAT; Habib v Dave Whelan Sports Ltd t/a DW Fitness First [2023] EAT 113; Owen v Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd [2023] EAT 106; and AECOM Limited v Mallon [2023] EAT 104.

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    3 Paper Buildings handpicks trio of family barristers

    Pictured here: Elizabeth Gooderham (left), Paul Froud (centre) and Andrew Duncan (right) Three experienced family law barristers have joined 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) to bolster its already award-winning, 80-strong Family Law Group. The national chambers handpicked the trio from the Midlands/South East specialist family law set, Senate House Chambers. Elizabeth Gooderham is a 22-years call childcare barrister, representing clients in public law and complex private law proceedings. She often acts in cases with vulnerable clients, including those with...

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    Employment Appeal Tribunal upholds appeal on TUPE location issue

    Judgment was handed down this week (29 August 2023) in Jagruti Rajput v Commerzbank AG and Societe Generale (London) [2023] EAT 116. The underlying case concerns a claim of discrimination against two investment banks. The appeal was on the question as to when a TUPE transfer took place, with Mr Justice Kerr finding that the tribunal judge had erred in law in excluding from his consideration matters which took place in Germany, wrongly finding that...

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  • Nick Robinson 560x670 2

    Nick Robinson’s client found Not Guilty of possessing 1kg of cocaine with intent to supply

    3PB specialist criminal defence barrister Nick Robinson represented CL at his trial at Oxford Crown Court for possessing a class A drug with intent to supply. On 13 February 2023, officers from Scotland in conjunction with Oxfordshire Constabulary, executed a stop and search warrant of CL's Mercedes vehicle in Oxford as it travelled from Hamilton, Scotland to Bournemouth, England. The police found 1kg of high purity cocaine concealed in a stage light in a box...

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  • Sarah Bowen 3PB Barristers

    Sarah Bowen joins the Birmingham Law Society's Employment Law Committee

    3PB's specialist Employment, Discrimination and Education barrister Sarah Bowen has joined Birmingham Law Society's Employment Law Committee, chaired by Shoosmiths LLP's Charlie Rae. The Employment Law Committee, formed of senior employment law practitioners from across the Midlands region, meets monthly to consider recent and proposed changes in employment law and practice. The Committee also undertakes annual discussions with senior representatives of ACAS, the regional judiciary, and various trade unions, as well as responding to government...

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  • Alexander Whatley oct 2020 2 280x335 1

    Incorrect invoices: the consequences of failing to name your price

    3PB Commercial law barrister Alexander Whatley analyses the case of Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc v Goodrich Corporation [2023] EWHC 1637 (Comm), a case in which the High Court had to consider if the original, contractual agreement between the two parties or the incorrect invoice issued by the supplier was to take primacy in this commercial dispute. In reaching its decision, the High Court examined the cases of Ruttle Plant Hire Limited v Secretary of State for...

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  • Mark Green promoted to Attorney General's London A Panel

    Chambers is delighted to announce employment and national security law barrister Mark Green's promotion to the Attorney-General’s London A Panel for a period of five years, commencing on Friday 1st September 2023. He had been on the London B Panel since September 2019. Mark Green, pictured here, frequently appears for both claimants and respondents, dealing with claims in the Employment Tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal, Court of Appeal, High Court and County Court. Mark has a...

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  • Benjamin McQueen Inquest – Prevention of Future Deaths report published

    3PB's regulatory law and crime barrister Tom Horder, pictured here, acted for the Health and Safety Executive in the recently-concluded inquest into the death of Marine Benjamin McQueen. Marine McQueen tragically drowned during a military diving exercise in Portland Harbour. He experienced complications during the dive and was later recovered from the sea bed from a depth of about 18 metres. The Inquest, held over 3 weeks in the Royal Courts of Justice before Judge...

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    Thomas Acworth and Thomas Evans successfully defend clients charged with drugs offences after Operation Eternal

    Two of 3PB's crime and regulatory barristers Thomas Acworth and Thomas Evans (picture left to right) successfully represented two people arrested whilst fleeing their North London property along with a third male. In excess of 11kg of cocaine and more than £40,000 in cash was seized at the house. The execution of the search warrant of their property was part of the Metropolitan Police's Operation Eternal, a major operation launched in April 2020 to target...

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