• stephen wildblood e1701162832859

    His Honour Stephen Wildblood KC moves across to 3PB

    His Honour Stephen Wildblood KC, who retired as a Circuit Judge on Tuesday 21st November, has announced that he is joining national chambers 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) with immediate effect as an associate tenant. Stephen will be accepting appointments as a Private FDR Judge and, in relation to finances and children, as a mediator and early neutral evaluator. He is also intending to qualify as family law arbitrator in the immediate future. He will continue...

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  • HNW Divorce Magazine Cover 1

    Commercial barristers Mariya Peykova and Victoria Hamblen write for TL4 Disputes

    3PB commercial barristers Victoria Hamblen and Mariya Peykova have contributed articles to the latest TL4 Disputes Magazine Issue 11 - A Year in Review. A copy of the magazine can be downloaded here.  Mariya discusses 'Assessing the value of claims for breaches of the GDPR' (starting on page 40); and Victoria writes about 'ESG and its significance in the real estate sector' (starting on page 52). Or link to the pdfs of Victoria's article here or Mariya's article here.

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  • pupillage open evening 2023 website banner

    3PB's 2023 pupillage open evening

    Join us for our annual pupillage open evening to learn about pupillage opportunities at one of the UK's largest chambers. 30 November 2023 | 4:30pm-7:30pm. 3PB offers the chance for pupils to experience many different areas of law across our six national locations. During the evening, you will have the chance to find out about pupillage at 3PB and hear what life is like as a barrister at our set, including opportunities to live and work...

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  • Rebecca McKnight 1

    Rebecca McKnight secures Not Guilty verdict for client accused of assault allegations

    In a recent case at Winchester Crown Court, 3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist criminal barrister Rebecca McKnight’s client was found not guilty of two charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm which included serious allegations of persistent strangulation. Following the cross examination of Crown witnesses the credibility of the complaint was seriously undermined. It also transpired during cross examination that several crucial pieces of evidence appeared to be missing or no longer available. Rebecca...

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    Victoria Hamblen explores strategic climate litigation for SG Voice

    Victoria Hamblen, specialist environmental/public law and commercial law barrister at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), has reviewed the growth in strategic climate litigation and how it affects business defendants for Sustainable Growth (SG) Voice. In her commentary, Victoria discusses the growth in climate law and disputes and the significant impact that strategic climate litigation can have on corporations, citing real life examples of cases which were successfully brought and those refused permission to proceed. Victoria...

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  • Luke Nelson

    Luke Nelson successful on appeal for an intervenor in financial remedy proceedings

    3PB family and private client barrister Luke Nelson (pictured here) successfully appealed an earlier judgment in financial remedy proceedings. Luke's client was the intervenor: the beneficiary of a charging order arising out of a personal injury award due to historical sexual abuse by her uncle, the husband in the present proceedings. He is now serving a custodial sentence for her rape. The appeal was heard in Birmingham before HHJ Ingram, and Luke was instructed by...

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    24 November - Black Friday discount on ‘A Practical Guide to EHC Plan Appeals' by Katherine Anderson

    Law Brief Publishers have announced a one-day ‘Black Friday’ discount of 25% on Katherine’s detailed practitioner’s guide to this fast-growing and changing area of law, launched in June this year. The book, which usually retails for £69.99, will be on sale for £52.50. If you want to access the discount on ‘A Practical Guide to EHC Plan Appeals,' please click here anytime on Friday 24 November. About the book: This is a detailed practitioner’s guide to...

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  • Poonam new.jpg 3

    Poonam Bhari re-appointed to the Family Procedure Rule Committee

    3PB is proud to announce that family barrister Poonam Bhari (pictured here) has been re-appointed by The Lord Chancellor to the Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC). Poonam has been re-appointed for a further 3 years from 28 February 2024, alongside solicitor Graeme Fraser and fellow barrister Rhys Taylor. Poonam Bhari is a family law barrister, called in 1999, specialising in public and private family law cases involving children. Poonam is based at 3PB's Inner Temple...

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  • Roger Thomas

    3PB recruits top family finance barrister Roger Thomas

    National chambers 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) continue their Birmingham expansion with the recruitment of senior family finance barrister Roger Thomas from St Ives Chambers in Birmingham. Roger Thomas is a busy family barrister who has been representing litigants in financial remedy cases for nearly 25 years in disputes under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and cohabiting couples under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. A financial...

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  • Jonathan Underhill

    Jonathan Underhill and Benjamin Newton KC defend in £800k Forex Capital Markets and Crypto Currency fraud

    3PB Barristers’ specialist fraud practitioner Jonathan Underhill (pictured here), led by Benjamin Newton KC of Doughty Street Chambers were instructed to defend MB. The 7-count indictment involved 6 separate but personally connected victims. Over a 5-year period, MB purported to invest sums in excess of £800K into both the Forex Capital Markets and various Cryptocurrency platforms. Notwithstanding the initial sums invested, Benjamin, Jonathan and Sam’s careful financial analysis led to the court accepting a loss...

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  • Poppy watson scaled

    Poppy Watson hits a hole in one in case involving damaged golf clubs

    3PB Barristers' (3 Paper Buildings) commercial and chancery barrister Poppy Watson (pictured here) recently acted for a golf club defending a claim by a Claimant who smashed his own golf club whilst using the club’s driving range. The Claimant said the driving range mat and tee were in the wrong place and that led to him hitting a stanchion on his backswing.  He brought proceedings on the basis that the Defendant should have advised golfers...

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  • Employment and discrimination law newsletter - November 2023

    Employment and discrimination newsletter - November 2023

    Welcome to our November 2023 employment and discrimination law newsletter, in which we celebrate more rankings in the latest Chambers and Partners edition and call for applications for talented employment law barristers to join our team. Edited by Charlotte Hadfield, our newsletter features analysis from Charlotte, Head of Group Craig Ludlow and Alex Leonhardt - covering the following cases: Omar v Epping Forest District Citizens Advice (EA-2021-000595-JOJ), Steel v Spencer Road LLP [2023] EWHC 2492 (Ch), ONEA v Contingent and Future Technologies Ltd [2023] EAT 125, and Virgin Active Ltd v Hughes [2023] EAT 130.

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