• K7010 3PB Graham Gilbert

    Burglar and drug dealer sentence not increased by the Court of Appeal

    3PB's criminal and regulatory barrister Graham Gilbert, pictured here, successfully resisted an application by the Solicitor General, Alex Chalk KC MP, to the Court of Appeal to increase his client, convicted burglar and drug dealer Otis Tomney's two-year suspended sentence as “unduly lenient”. Otis Tomney, who was represented throughout the original burglary case and this sentence appeal by barrister Graham Gilbert, had over 120 previous offences for drug-dealing, burglary, and weapons offences. Graham was instructed...

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  • Sunyana Sharma 560x670 280x335 1

    Sunyana Sharma represents Maritime and Coastguard Agency in joint drowning inquest

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist regulatory and inquest barrister Sunyana Sharma (pictured here) has represented the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) in a joint inquest touching the deaths of 3 men who drowned off the coast of Cornwall following the relaxation of COVID lockdown in May, June and August 2020. The issues considered by His Majesty’s Senior Coroner included the legal responsibility of maintaining beach safety, whether there was a legal duty for the...

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  • Aaron Mayers

    Missing the Last Bus: Rethinking Exclusion Clauses

    Aaron Mayers (pictured here), specialist commercial barrister at 3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings), analyses the case of Last Bus Ltd v Dawsongroup Bus and Coach Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1297 and considers the application of UCTA 1977. This case revolves around the enforceability of a standard form exclusion clause in a hire purchase agreement. Specifically, it addresses the approach to assessing the reasonableness of such clauses, and the assessment of the parties’ bargaining power, under...

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  • Employment and discrimination law newsletter January 2024

    Employment and discrimination newsletter - January 2024

    Welcome to our January 2024 employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Grace Holden. This month our newsletter includes analysis from Grace, Colin McDevitt, Naomi Webber and Alex Leonhardt on the following cases: Leaney v Loughborough University [2023] EAT 155; Kingswood Learning and Leisure Group Limited EA-2022-000902-JOJ; The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia (Cultural Bureau) v Ms Alhayali [2023] EAT 149; and an analysis of the changes to the annual leave entitlement and holiday pay of part-year and irregular hours workers.

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  • CJJF2

    Cheryl Jones and Jack Felvus on the clear drafting of Wills

    3PB's Cheryl Jones, a specialist traditional chancery and commercial barrister, and Jack Felvus, one of 3PB's pupil barristers, have co-authored an article about Will-writing for LexisNexis PSL (Private Client) which Lexis accountholders can now access here. The article, entitled “A limitation lacuna, mortgages and the importance of clear Will drafting,” analyses the decision of HHJ Matthews, sitting as a Judge of the High Court in the Chancery Division, in the case of Pierce and Another...

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  • Michelle MARNHAM 560x670 2

    Michelle Marnham and Jeremy Warner review landmark Supreme Court Judgment of Paul v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Head of Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Michelle Marnham (pictured here), alongside future 3PB pupil Jeremy Warner, have written on the Supreme Court Judgement in Paul v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust. Michelle and Jeremy explore the wide-reaching implications of the landmark Judgment, including its overturning of a 20-plus year precedent often used in secondary victim claims within the context of clinical negligence. The Judgment will significantly limit the ability of...

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  • Alexander Whatley oct 2020 2 280x335 1

    Alexander Whatley "road-tests" the Aston Martin distributor case

    3PB's commercial and property barrister Alexander Whatley has "road-tested" the findings in the recent Aston Martin case concerning breached payment obligations under agency agreements, Aston Martin MENA Ltd v Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. The article, published behind a paywall for LexisNexis account holders only, analyses the partially-successful claim against Aston Martin Cars, the well-known luxury car manufacturer, by its exclusive distributor in the Middle Eastern, North Africa and Turkish (‘MENA’) region. LexisNexis account holders can...

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  • Oliver Ingham 2 1

    Oliver Ingham appearing in Supreme Court in Inheritance Act case

    3PB Barristers' (3 Paper Buildings) specialist chancery and estates barrister Oliver Ingham is today appearing in the Supreme Court alongside Danielle Pawson and Katie Alsop of Wright Hassall and Counsel Brie Stevens-Hoare KC and Cameron Stocks of Gatehouse Chambers. To read more about the full details of the case history, please click here to visit Wright Hassall's website. To contact or instruct Oliver Ingham, please speak to Practice Director David Fielder via email or by...

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    3PB takes on top costs barrister Paul Joseph

    3PB (3 Paper Buildings) are delighted to announce that Paul Joseph, a top costs and commercial litigation barrister, is joining the national chambers' Birmingham office from No 5 Chambers. Paul Joseph, who qualified as a solicitor in 1992 and the bar in 2005, began his career at Wragge and Co (now Gowling WLG) before spending nine years with the commercial litigation team at Edge Ellison (now Squire Patton Boggs) and four years with Truman Bodden...

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  • CITMA website 1

    3PB guest speakers at Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) Midlands lecture

    Three of 3PB's team of intellectual property barristers, including team group head Victoria Jones, will be sharing practical tips on pleadings at the UKIPO and discussing recent case law at CITMA's first Midlands lecture of the year, held at 3PB’s offices in Birmingham on 27 February. Registration is at 5pm with the talks lasting an hour from 530pm until 630pm, and will be followed by a free drinks reception. The lectures will be see Victoria...

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  • K7010 3PB Nick Kaplan pupil

    Nick Kaplan successful in payment adjudications case of Bellway Homes v Surgo Construction

    3PB construction barrister Nick Kaplan recently acted as sole counsel for Bellway Homes in enforcement proceedings in the case of Bellway Homes Limited -v Surgo Construction Limited, before DJ Baldwin, in which judgment was handed down by the Technology and Construction Court (TCC) in Liverpool this morning. Nick was instructed by Gateley Legal. The proceedings raised a question which frequently arises in payment adjudications, but which has until today remained undecided by the courts. In...

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  • Alice Horn photo

    Alice Horn co-authors for LMCLQ on unjust enrichment in the Commercial Court

    3PB commercial and arbitration pupil barrister Alice Horn, pictured here, has co-authored an article on unjust enrichment with High Court Commercial and Admiralty Judge, Sir Andrew Baker and Serena Lee which has just been published in Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (LMCLQ). The article explores the extent and nature of, and reasons for, the influence of academic writing on the law of unjust enrichment and follows a paper presented to the Commercial Court webinar...

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