• Thomas Acworth

      Thomas Acworth’s client acquitted of causing death by careless driving

      3PB’s specialist crime barrister Thomas Acworth, pictured here, recently acted for a lorry driver, who was accused of killing an elderly motorist in road traffic collision. The driver was reversing his flat-bed lorry into a building site when the deceased’s vehicle collided with him.  The Crown alleged that he had not checked his mirrors prior to carrying out the manoeuvre.   The deceased suffered two brain haemorrhages. Having analysed the medical evidence in detail, Thomas decided...

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    • CPS approved advocates 3PB LinkedIn

      3PB crime barristers appointed to CPS approved advocates panel

      3PB would like to congratulate specialist crime barristers Tom Horder (pictured right), Berenice Mulvanny (pictured second right), David Jenkins (pictured second left) and Thomas Acworth (pictured left) for recently being appointed to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) approved advocates panel. Tom Horder, appointed to Grade 4 of the CPS approved panel of advocates, is frequently instructed in multi-handed murder trials, high value frauds, complex drug importations and cases involving modern slavery, trafficking and allegations of...

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    • Thomas Acworth

      Thomas Acworth’s client acquitted of sexual assault

      3PB criminal barrister Thomas Acworth (pictured) saw his client, DN, has been acquitted of sexual assault following a trial at Bournemouth Crown Court. DN was a driving instructor of previous good character. Under Thomas’ cross-examination, it emerged that the complainant had told lies to the police, provided a partisan selection of her text-message history with DN to the police and deleted some messages from her phone. The impact of the questioning on the complainant’s credibility...

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    • Thomas Acworth

      Thomas Acworth’s client unanimously acquitted in drug dealer torture trial

      Thomas Acworth’s client, TH, has been acquitted of false imprisonment, possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, making threats to kill, robbery and ABH following a three week trial at Winchester Crown Court. The prosecution alleged that, together with two others, TH tortured a drug user in her flat for several hours.  The ordeal was said to have involved inflicting injuries with a hammer, threats to remove the victim’s eyelids with a...

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    • Thomas Acworth succeeds against QC in Shotgun Licence Appeal

      Thomas Acworth was instructed by the Chief Constable of Surrey Police to resist H’s appeal against the revocation of his shotgun certificate. H, the former head of HR at one of the world’s largest financial institutions, instructed a notable QC (a former circuit leader) to represent him.  The appeal focused on concerns about H’s mental health following the demise of a relationship.  H relied on a psychiatric reports in support of his position. Following Thomas’...

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    • 3PB criminal barrister Thomas Acworth secures the acquittal of a young man accused of sexual assault

      3PB criminal barrister Thomas Acworth secured an acquittal for a young man who was accused of sexually assaulting teenage girl at a house party.  The case involved close analysis of physical injuries said to have been caused by the Defendant.  Presenting the case  required running the defence of fabrication in tandem with putting the crown to proof on the absence of consent. Click here to view Thomas' profile.

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    • Criminal Barrister Thomas Acworth represents Asperger sufferer in Bournemouth Crown Court

      3PB Criminal barrister Thomas Acworth represented a defendant with a long history of mental instability, who threatened his father with a knife at the family home, caused over £25,000 worth of damage to his father’s property and threatened to carry out an acid attack on a friend’s sister. Read more about Thomas here. For more information about the case, please click here.

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    • Read our December 2017 round up of criminal news in brief by our crime team

      Criminal barristers Thomas Evans, Graham Gilbert and Thomas Acworth bring you the latest edition of Criminal News in Brief. The Supreme Court Assistance by Defendants: When considering whether to refer a sentence made under s.73 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 back to a court: the interests of justice do not automatically require a prosecutor to make the referral if there has been a change of circumstances and there were no countervailing...

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    • Thomas Acworth on Essop & Ors Home Office and Naeem v Secretary of State for Justice

      Thomas Acworth summarises an important decision given in Essop & Ors Home Office; Naeem v Secretary of State for Justice regarding indirect discrimination. Click here for the full article

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