• BC BTB Badges 2 Bronze 1 e1659086953238

      3PB Partners with Bridging the Bar

      3PB has recently become a Bronze partner of Bridging the Bar. Bridging the Bar (“BTB”) is a charity, founded in July 2020, that aims to support aspiring barristers from a range of statistically underrepresented groups at the Bar. BTB exists to bridge the gap between students from non-traditional backgrounds and the skills, experience and networks required to develop a career at the Bar. This is achieved by providing the beneficiaries with work experience opportunities, access...

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    • Aaron Mayers

      Aaron Mayers features in the Thomson Reuters Practical Law blog

      In this post for Thomson Reuters Practical Law Dispute Resolution Blog, 3PB's commercial and chancery barrister, Aaron Mayers (pictured here) discusses the court's approach in determining whether to grant an extension of time to serve a claim form out of the  jurisdiction during the COVID-19 pandemic.  (Qatar Investment and Project Development Holding Co v Phoenix Ancient Art S.A.) Read the full blog here

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    • Route to Bar 1

      'I Am a 3PB Pupil' our pupils - and former pupils - share their stories

      Meet a selection of our current and recent pupils as they share their experience of securing pupillage and, in particular, recount their many and varied routes to the Bar. Watch the video here:

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    • Weclome

      David Kemeny and Aaron Mayers become tenants

      3PB are pleased to announce that David Kemeny and Aaron Mayers have both successfully completed their pupillages today and become tenants at the 220-barrister, national chambers. 3PB Chief Executive Simon Astill said:  “I am delighted to welcome both of these pupils as new tenants and junior counsel here. They have all shown great aptitude, hard work and expert advocacy skills during their pupillages and both will be excellent additions to 3PB.”

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    • Aaron Mayers 4

      Aaron Mayers offers advice and tips for future pupils in Counsel magazine

      3PB’s second six pupil Aaron Mayers (pictured here), who is undertaking a pupillage in commercial and chancery law, has featured in Counsel, sharing tips and advice on pupillage applications and for those starting their pupillage later this year. Aaron shares his own personal advice including how to cope with any pressure during pupillage and advice on developing as a pupil. He also offers counsel to applicants on drafting your pupillage applications and answering the competency-based...

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    • August 2021 employment law newsletter out now

      August's employment law newsletter features news about the impact of the menopause, how home working is affecting employment claim numbers and highlights a case in which the claimant was made redundant in place of furlough. We look at reactions to a proposed new duty for employers to prevent sexual harassment as well as organisations warning against "no jab, no job" policies and a raft of case analyses.

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