Nick Cotter and Graham Gilbert successfully prosecute organised crime gang in major phone fraud case
3PB's crime and regulatory barristers Nick Cotter and Graham Gilbert acted for the Crown in prosecuting an organised crime gang who defrauded major phone companies out of over £400,000 - seeing four of the five fraudsters jailed for a combined total of 11 years with the fifth, who admitted his part in the fraud conspiracy, due to appear for sentencing at a later date. The fraudsters all pleaded guilty at Portsmouth Crown Court to defrauding...
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3PB Barristers’ commercial and property law specialist Alexander Whatley has successfully represented the Respondent Company in the recent case of Fitzroy Place Residential Limited & Others v Lovitt & Others [2024] UKUT 63 (LC), heard in the Upper Tribunal by Deputy Chamber President Martin Rodger KC. The issue concerned the meaning of a standard form of lease used in a large and prestigious development in Central London comprising both residential and commercial premises. The case specifically...
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3PB are delighted to announce that crime and regulatory barrister Gemma White has been appointed by Robert Courts KC MP HM Solicitor General, to the Treasury Counsel Monitoree Scheme, for a period of 3 years from 1 April 2024. Treasury Counsel are a team of specialist advocates who prosecute many of the most serious and complex cases in the country, and advise and appear on behalf of the Law Officers and other government departments. Advocates...
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3PB's crime and regulatory barrister Nicholas Cotter (pictured here), led by Mark Wyeth KC, has just completed a three-month trial at the Central Criminal Court in which his client was acquitted of conspiracy to murder The client was alleged to be involved in a gangland shooting in a nightclub, which was indicted at the outset as a conspiracy to murder. Following trial, the client was found guilty of a firearms offence but acquitted of all...
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3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Nick Kaplan and Mariya Peykova have contributed to the latest issue of ThoughtLeaders4 Disputes. Mariya’s article “Data Adequacy and International Relations: The Pitfalls of a Shifting Human Rights Landscape”, published on pages 11-12, explores the connection between EU data adequacy decisions and human rights records. In her article, Mariya explores how the undermining of the existing human rights framework could alter how the EU views the UK’s ability to provide...
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Michelle Marnham edits our Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence newsletter, with analysis from David Kemeny, Tom Webb, Charles Fulton, Gemma Ralph, Hamish Dunlop and Jack Felvus of the following cases: Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Limited [2024] UKSC 6, Pearson -v- Secretary of State for Defence [2024] EWCA Civ 150, Juj v John Lewis Partnership plc [2023] EWCA Civ 1507, R (Peiris) v First-tier Tribunal, CICA & Secretary of State for Justice [2023] EWCA Civ 1527 and Paul and Another v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] UKSC 1.
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3PB Employment law barrister Joseph England (pictured here) analyses the case of Wicked Vision Ltd v Rice [2024] EAT 29, in which the EAT re-confirms the Court of Appeal's decision in Osipov concerning a claimant's ability to claim for detriments that precede dismissal against a co-worker and against the corporate employer for its vicariously liability even if the losses that flow amount to those that flow from dismissal; and that a Claimant can claim for...
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3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist family law barrister and former Designated Family Judge for Bristol and the surrounding counties, His Honour Stephen Wildblood KC (pictured here) is to chair a free virtual Financial Remedy Conference hosted by Family Law Week, Oxfordshire Resolution and RWK Goodman. “Financial Remedy Conference: An art, not a science: valuing companies, Daniels v Walker and the role of the expert in Financial Remedy cases” will take place on Monday 18 March from...
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3PB's Nick Kaplan and Keating Chambers’ Brenna Conroy (pictured here) are delivering a joint talk this week at Arbrix's Spring Conference on Saturday 16th March 2024. The conference is an annual meeting of RICS arbitrators and adjudicators, notably chartered surveyors and other independent property experts. Nick and Brenna will be speaking about the recent decision in Bellway Homes v Surgo Construction in which they both appeared on opposite sides. The case is of huge significance...
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3 Paper Buildings (3PB) is delighted to announce that leading public law, education and employment barrister Ben Amunwa (2013 call) has joined chambers, from The 36 Group. Ben is a popular choice for high profile and landmark litigation, often involving multiple parties and novel points of law. He provides practical advice on resolving disputes to a wide range of clients. He has been ranked in the Chambers UK Bar Guide for Public and Administrative Law...
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3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist commercial and chancery barrister Aaron Mayers (pictured here) has written on the new limits set on section 994 petitions following the case of THG PLC & Ors v Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd. Zedra Trust Company claimed that it had been wrongfully excluded from a bonus share issue by THG plc. The key issue in the case was whether the unfair prejudice petition brought by Zedra Trust Company against...
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HH Stephen Wildblood KC and Jennifer Kotilaine, specialist family law barristers at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings), will present a free online conference for Family Law Week entitled “Deprivation of Liberty Orders (Children) – Practice and procedure”, alongside Felicity Groves of Bath and North-East Somerset Council. The conference will take place via Zoom on Thursday 14 March 2024 from 4pm-5:15pm and is tailored for lawyers, social workers and other users of the Family Court. Spaces...
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