• 3PB's Personal Injury Law team updates you on some important decisions.

    3PB Personal Injury Law team's latest Newsletter updates you on some important decisions that took place while our screens were dominated with American politics. We are also very pleased to welcome a new member of staff, Charlie Samuel-hill who joins the PI Clerking team in London. Andrew Perfect brings you up to speed on the implications of Gentry v Miller in which the Court of Appeal confirmed that the Denton criteria is to be used...

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  • William Webster and Robert Weatherley of 3PB write textbook on "Restrictions on the Use of Land"

    3PB is pleased to announce that William Webster and Robert Weatherley, barristers with chambers, published a book titled "Restrictions on the Use of Land” by Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing Ltd on 14 November. The informative book (approximately 700 pages in length) comprises sections on easements, village greens, public rights of way, restrictive covenants, assets of community value and elements of planning law. The book also contains a Foreword by Lord Neuberger PSC: “A book which...

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  • Louis Weston, 3PB Head of Sports Group, acts in FA disciplinary proceedings on betting charges

    Louis Weston, Head of the Sports Group, acted for Nick Bunyard in FA disciplinary proceedings.  Mr Bunyard, a football manager, had admitted breaches of the FA’s betting rules and successfully contested a charge of breaching his suspension order. He is the first football manager to be sanctioned for betting against his own team to win. The reasons for the Sanctions imposed are awaited but click here for further details of the case:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37929939

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  • 3PB Barristers' commercial & Business Law Group brings you the Autumn Edition of its Legal Update Handout

    Topics: Interpreting exclusion clauses between commercial parties [Transocean Drilling UK Ltd v Providence Resources plc [2016] EWCA Civ 372] The duty to mitigate debt claims: White & Carter v. McGregor reconsidered by the Court of Appeal [MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co SA v. Cottonex Anstalt [2016] EWCA Civ 789] The 2016 changes to Insurance Law: A litigator's perspective Can a false contractual warranty also give rise to a claim in misrepresentation? [Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd v. Sumitomo Corp [2016] EWHC 1909] Recent issues...

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  • Lawrence Messling joins 3PB's Birmingham chambers

    3PB is delighted to announce that Lawrence Messling (Call 1983), formerly St Philips chambers' Deputy Head of chambers and Head of the Family Law Group, has joined 3PB's Birmingham chambers. Lawrence is an experienced family law barrister advising in serious public law children cases, often appearing in High and County Courts. He has more than twenty five years experience as an advocate in public law children’s cases. He has also undertaken cases involving vulnerable adults and children for...

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  • Arthur Blake and Sarah Dines further strengthens 3PB's legal expertise

    Arthur Blake (Call 1988) and Sarah Dines (Call 1988), both formerly of 1 Gray's Inn Square, have joined 3PB's London chambers and further add strength and depth to its client offerings. Arthur Blake offers comprehensive legal experience in the full spectrum of civil law. He also has expertise in criminal appeals, judicial reviews, immigration and prison law.  Sarah Dines is a family law specialist who advises and represents clients in all aspects of family law. She has been reported in the...

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  • Nigel Lickley QC successfully prosecutes Karen Pedley for murder

    Nigel Lickley QC leading Jason Beal of Devon Chambers successfully prosecuted Karen Pedley for murder arising out of a fire in a bedroom at a care home in Truro in 2008 that killed a 96 year old female resident. The defendant was also convicted of 13 other Arson offences concerning  fires deliberately started by her from 2002. The defendant was sentenced to Life imprisonment with a minimum tern of 27 years for murder and 13...

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  • Rachael Goodall and Mark Elliott, barristers at 3PB, present successful FDR interactive seminar in Bournemouth

    Rachael Goodall and Mark Elliott, experienced family law barristers at 3PB Barristers presented a successful interactive financial remedies seminar in Bournemouth recently. Attended by local family law practitioners, the seminar was supported by three members of the Judiciary and 3PB's family law Silk, Elizabeth McGrath QC. Two FDR style scenarios were presented to the delegates with individual electronic voting to compare the audience's answers with an expert panel. 3PB’s progressive and established Family Law team...

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  • Amy Lush joins 3PB's family law team based in Winchester

    Amy Lush (Call 2013), formerly at 12 College Place, chambers joins 3PB’s busy and established family law team and will be based in our Winchester chambers. Amy advises clients in private and public family law matters, including children proceedings, and represents clients in financial disputes under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. She is a qualified collaboration lawyer with Resolution and is a member of the Solent...

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  • Jennifer Kotilaine joins 3PB's family law team based in our Oxford chambers

    Jennifer Kotilaine (Call 2011) formerly of 42 Bedford Row, has joined 3PB's thriving Family Law Group and will be based in our Oxford chambers. Jennifer has a busy family law practice and advises clients primarily in issues relating to children and vulnerable adults. Her experience includes public and private law and Court of Protection matters. Hamish Dunlop, Head of 3PB's Family Law Group, comments: '' We are delighted to welcome Jennifer to our family law...

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  • 3PB's Employment Barrister Karen Moss successfully represents respondent in Hampshire County Council v Wyatt

    Karen Moss represented the successful Respondent in Hampshire County Council v Wyatt UKEAT/0013/16/DA on 13th October 2016. The President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal Mrs Justice Simler DBE gave invaluable guidance in relation to the divisibility of injuries and proportionate reduction of ITF and personal injury awards and on the use of medical evidence in employment tribunals for personal injury claims.

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  • Leading Silk Elizabeth McGrath QC joins 3PB's Birmingham chambers

    3PB is pleased to announce that Elizabeth McGrath QC, formerly of St Philips chambers, has joined our newly opened chambers in Birmingham. Elizabeth is highly regarded both locally and nationally. She was formerly Deputy Head of Chambers at St Philips Chambers where she was also head of the Family Law Practice Group. She is ranked as one of the UK’s leading family law QCs by the legal directories. Her expertise spans all aspects of childcare and...

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