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3PB is pleased to welcome Suzanne Coleclough (Call 2005), formerly of St Philips chambers. Suzanne joins 3PB’s Family Law team, based in its Birmingham chambers. Suzanne qualified as a solicitor in 1990 and was a member of the Family Law Panel and Law Society Children Panel. In 2005 she transferred to the bar. Since then Suzanne has continued to specialise in family law, including children and matrimonial finance. Nigel Lickley QC, Head of 3PB, said, “We...
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In her new article "Claiming the Costs of Claims Consultants in Enforcement Proceedings - Octoesse LLP v. Trak Special Projects Limited [2016] EWHC 3180 (TCC)" Katie Lee examines how the costs of claims consultants can be recovered in adjudication enforcement, in light of the latest TCC case on the subject. Click below to read the full article.
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Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing celebrate the launch of "Restrictions on the Use of Land" by 3PB William Webster and Robert Weatherley with a reception in London on 25 January 2017.
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On 9 December 2016 Nick Robinson appeared before the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division), namely Elias LJ, Sweeney J and Judge Dean QC in a renewed application for leave to appeal sentence, leave having been refused by the Single Judge Sir Stephen Silber. Nick successfully persuaded the Full Court to grant leave and subsequently allow the appeal on the basis that the sentence of 12 months’ immediate imprisonment was manifestly excessive and wrong in principle....
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Louis Weston, Head of the 3PB Sports Group, represented the British Horseracing Authority in the re-hearing of the Jim Best case. Best was found in breach of the Rules by a Disciplinary Panel in April 2016 but that decision was set aside following allegations of apparent bias. Following a fresh hearing the BHA Disciplinary Panel found all allegations against him proved and suspended his licence for a period of 6 months. Further details of this...
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Cheryl Jones of 3PB represented the successful appellant in an appeal relating to the calculation of payment by a trustee in breach of her trust when for part of the time she occupied a trust property unlawfully, but part of the time occupied it lawfully. The case was also covered in the press: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/law/judge-calls-for-lip-powers-after-court-bombarded-with-emails/5059119.article
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3PB is pleased to welcome Mark Calway (Call 1989), formerly of St Philips chambers, joins 3PB’s Family Law team based in its London chambers. Mark has extensive experience in representing parties in care proceedings, including complex non-accidental injury, sexual abuse and traumatic brain injury, and advises and represents clients in financial remedy cases. He is a Family Recorder sitting on the Western Circuit and also acts as an Independent Funding Adjudicator for the Legal Aid...
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On 24th November 3PB education team members Lachlan Wilson and John Friel hosted the third of a series of education law update seminars. The content of the seminar focussed on Equality Act 2010 claims involving schools, in particular disability discrimination claims, and a review and analysis of the government's proposals to permit the opening of new grammar schools. A case law update was also provided.
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If a developer agrees to pay an estate agent a finder's fee, what happens if the parties do not discuss what triggers the payment? If a contract is incomplete, can the court fill that gap by implying terms? Oliver Isaacs (Call 2000) analyses the most recent contribution of the Court of Appeal to that question in Wells v. Devani (2016) [2016] EWCA Civ 1106. Oliver is a Commercial Law barrister who specialises in company law,...
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3PB is pleased to announce Vanessa Meachin, formerly of St Philips chambers, will be joining the 3PB Family Law team in its Birmingham chambers from 1 December 2016. Vanessa is a family law specialist who advises and represents clients on a broad range of legal areas including private law Children Act applications, care, Court of Protection, adoption and family finance matters. She is a Recorder on the South Eastern Circuit. Nigel Lickley QC, Head of...
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3PB Personal Injury Law team's latest Newsletter updates you on some important decisions that took place while our screens were dominated with American politics. We are also very pleased to welcome a new member of staff, Charlie Samuel-hill who joins the PI Clerking team in London. Andrew Perfect brings you up to speed on the implications of Gentry v Miller in which the Court of Appeal confirmed that the Denton criteria is to be used...
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3PB is pleased to announce that William Webster and Robert Weatherley, barristers with chambers, published a book titled "Restrictions on the Use of Land” by Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing Ltd on 14 November. The informative book (approximately 700 pages in length) comprises sections on easements, village greens, public rights of way, restrictive covenants, assets of community value and elements of planning law. The book also contains a Foreword by Lord Neuberger PSC: “A book which...
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