• Jonathan Underhill

    Jonathan Underhill secures acquittal at trial of S.18 wounding following collapse of prosecution case

    3PB's crime and regulatory barrister Jonathan Underhill’s client CW was charged with a serious allegation of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH) following a violent incident inside his own home in 2021. CW raised, and maintained, self-defence at trial. Over the course of careful and decisive cross examination, the complainant admitted not having told the complete truth to the police; accepting that he had failed to mention his own consumption of Class...

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  • Stephen Wildblood

    HH Stephen Wildblood KC gives free briefing on the new FDR provisions on NCDR

    3PB's family law barrister Stephen Wildblood KC is one of six well-known divorce and financial remedies lawyers at a free webinar about the new FPR provisions on NCDR, hosted by Financial Remedies Journal (FRJ). This latest free FRJ webinar, "The new FPR provisions on NCDR. Fresh carrot, Bigger stick (but no mandation)" is available to watch tomorrow, Friday 16 February 2024, from 1pm to 2pm. The Designated Family Judge for Bristol and the surrounding counties...

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  • crime 4

    Four 3PB barristers secure acquittals for two defendants in major Conspiracy to Supply cocaine trial

    Four 3PB criminal law barristers - Nick Robinson, Tom Evans, David Jenkins and Oliver Hirsch (pictured top left to bottom right) - have successfully defended two clients in a major Conspiracy to Supply Class A drugs trial, following Operation Krill which was an extensive surveillance operation lasting more than a year. Three individuals were charged with Conspiracy to Supply cocaine and two stood trial in December 2023. AD was alleged to have been the head...

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  • 3PB September 2023 education law newsletter

    Education law newsletter - February 2024

    Welcome to the 10th edition of our education law newsletter. Edited by Katherine Anderson, it features analysis and contributions from Katherine Anderson, Olivia McGonigle, Jim Hirschmann, Matthew Wyard and Naomi Webber.

    Case analysis covers:
    - London Borough Camden v KT [2024] UKUT 225 AAC;
    - LC and RC v Hampshire County Council [2023] UKUT 281 (AAC); and,
    - A Multi Academy Trust v RR [2024] UKUT 9 (AAC)

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  • K7010 3PB Nick Kaplan pupil

    Nick Kaplan successful in Round 2 of Bellway Homes v Surgo Construction

    3PB construction barrister Nick Kaplan recently acted as sole counsel for Bellway Homes in a dual enforcement and Part 8 claim in the TCC in the case of Bellway Homes v Surgo Construction, before HHJ Davies. Judgment was handed down yesterday morning. Nick was instructed by Gateley Legal. In its enforcement claim, Bellway claimed circa £1.1 million, which it had been awarded by an adjudicator (Jonathan Cope) following a true valuation of the parties’ interim...

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  • emma mabey old photo small

    Emma Mabey joins 3PB Family Group

    3PB welcomes family barrister Emma Mabey from 2 Dr Johnson Building in the Temple, London where she has built a busy and varied public and private law family practice, focussing on disputes over children. She is regularly instructed to represent parents and local authorities in fact find hearings, DOLs and final hearings and represents all parties in increasingly complex cases. A former social worker, Emma spent 16 years in children and families social work, focusing...

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  • Alice de C 3PB scaled e1707736406221

    Alice de Coverley shortlisted for Legal 500 ESG Award

    3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) is delighted to announce that education, equality and public law barrister Alice de Coverley (pictured here) has been shortlisted at this year’s Legal 500 ESG Awards in the “Disability/Neurodiversity: Bar Champion of the year (individual)” category. The Legal 500 ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Awards celebrate the efforts of individuals and organisations across the legal field in championing diversity, inclusion, and sustainability. The inaugural Legal 500 ESG Awards will take...

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  • Matthew Wyard

    Court of Protection Property and Affairs Update: TA v the Public Guardian

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist Court of Protection barrister Matthew Wyard (pictured here) has written on the recent Court of Protection property and affairs decision of TA v the Public Guardian, a case confirming the scope of a certificate provider’s duties when executing a LPA. In his article, Matthew offers a detailed summary of case and explores what the decisions handed down means for Court of Protection and Private Client practitioners. To read Matthew’s full...

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  • Nick Robinson 560x670 3

    Nick Robinson successfully defends four clients in four Crown Court trials in January 2024

    3PB's specialist criminal defence barrister Nick Robinson, pictured here, has successfully defended four different clients in four separate Crown Court trials during January 2024. AC was unanimously acquitted of a Sexual Assault. AC was experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. He was being pursued by a group of youths when he hid behind a tree in a public park. After a short time, AC approached a 7-year old girl, and asked for her...

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  • K7010 3PB Graham Gilbert

    Burglar and drug dealer sentence not increased by the Court of Appeal

    3PB's criminal and regulatory barrister Graham Gilbert, pictured here, successfully resisted an application by the Solicitor General, Alex Chalk KC MP, to the Court of Appeal to increase his client, convicted burglar and drug dealer Otis Tomney's two-year suspended sentence as “unduly lenient”. Otis Tomney, who was represented throughout the original burglary case and this sentence appeal by barrister Graham Gilbert, had over 120 previous offences for drug-dealing, burglary, and weapons offences. Graham was instructed...

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  • Sunyana Sharma 560x670 280x335 1

    Sunyana Sharma represents Maritime and Coastguard Agency in joint drowning inquest

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) specialist regulatory and inquest barrister Sunyana Sharma (pictured here) has represented the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) in a joint inquest touching the deaths of 3 men who drowned off the coast of Cornwall following the relaxation of COVID lockdown in May, June and August 2020. The issues considered by His Majesty’s Senior Coroner included the legal responsibility of maintaining beach safety, whether there was a legal duty for the...

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  • Aaron Mayers

    Missing the Last Bus: Rethinking Exclusion Clauses

    Aaron Mayers (pictured here), specialist commercial barrister at 3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings), analyses the case of Last Bus Ltd v Dawsongroup Bus and Coach Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1297 and considers the application of UCTA 1977. This case revolves around the enforceability of a standard form exclusion clause in a hire purchase agreement. Specifically, it addresses the approach to assessing the reasonableness of such clauses, and the assessment of the parties’ bargaining power, under...

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