• people news header 1

      January Employment Law Newsletter Out Now

      Welcome to 3PB’s January 2025 Employment and Discrimination Law newsletter. Grace Nicholls is this month’s editor, and case analysis and legal tips were prepared by Grace, Katherine Anderson, Daniel Brown, Jo Laxton and Emma Greening on the following cases:
      - Abel Estate Agent Limited and ors v Reynolds [2025] EAT 6
      - HSBC Bank PLC v Chevalier-Firescu [2024] EWCA Civ 1550
      - Kaler v Insights ESC Ltd [2024] EAT 195
      - Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council v Christine Oliver [2024] EAT 193

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    • Christmas 2024 website

      December Employment Law Newsletter Out Now

      Welcome to 3PB’s final Employment and Discrimination Law newsletter for 2024. Edited by Jo Laxton, it features analysis from Ben Amunwa, Alex Leonhardt and Emma Greening on the following cases:
      - Connor v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [2024] EAT 175
      - Shakil v Samons Limited [2024] EAT 192
      - L v The Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2024] UKFTT 001044 (TC)
      We thank all our clients and contacts for their support throughout 2024 and wish you all our best wishes for 2025.

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    • July 2024 employment law newsletter

      July Employment Law newsletter - out now!

      Welcome to 3PB's July 2024 employment law newsletter, edited by Naomi Webber. We are delighted to announce that Liz McGrath KC has become our Head of Chambers. David Parratt KC (Scot) takes on the role of Deputy Head of Chambers. Our many congratulations to them!
      Our newsletter reflects on Labour’s General Election victory and provides analysis from Ben Amunwa, Robin Pickard, Grace Holden, Daniel Brown, Alex Leonhardt and Emma Greening on the following cases:
      - Adekoya & Ors v Heathrow Express Operating Company Ltd [2024] EAT 72
      - Parmar v Leicester City Council [2024] EAT 85
      - Ballerino v The Racecourse Association Ltd [2024] EAT 98
      - NSL Ltd v Mr P Zaluski [2024] EAT 86
      - Christopher Watson v Wallwork Nelson Johnson & Anor [2024] EAT 105
      - Boohene & Others v The Royal Parks Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 583

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    • crocus scaled

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - March 2024

      Welcome to 3PB's employment law newsletter, edited by Stephen Wyeth. In this edition, we welcome Ben Amunwa to our employment, public law and education practices. Analysis is provided by Stephen Wyeth, Ben Amunwa, Sarah Clarke, Joseph England, Emma Greening and Robin Pickard on the following cases:
      - Rentokil Initial UK Ltd v Miller [2024] EAT 37
      - Omooba v Michael Garrett Associates Ltd (t/a Global Artists) & Anor [2024] EAT 30
      - Wicked Vision Ltd v Rice [2024] EAT 29
      - Vaultex v Bialas EA-2022- 001258-AT
      - Scottish Water v Edgar [2024] EAT 32
      - Hilton Foods Solutions Ltd v Andrew Wright [2024] EAT 28

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    • Christmas 2023 1

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - December 2023

      Welcome to our December 2023 employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Gareth Graham, our newsletter features analysis from Gareth, Andrew MacPhail, Joseph England and Emma Greening - covering the following cases: Ajaz v Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EAT 142, De Bank Haycocks v ADP RPO UK Ltd [2023] EAT 129, EA-2021-000794-NLD, Brooks v Leisure Employment Services Limited [2023] EAT 137, and Simmons v No.8 Partnership [2023] EAT 140.

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    • New Pupils

      Four 3PB pupil barristers become members

      3PB are pleased to announce that their four 12-month pupil barristers - Poppy Watson, Liz Adams, Emma Greening and Dr Angel Matoke-Njagi (pictured left to right from the top) - have all successfully completed their pupillages today and become tenants with the 240-barrister, national chambers. Former in-house energy lawyer Poppy Watson (call:2021) is joining 3PB's London office and will be focusing on commercial litigation and arbitration. Former in-house lawyer and domestic violence and disability campaigner...

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    • employment law newsletter

      Employment and discrimination newsletter - August 2023

      Welcome to the August 2023 edition of our employment and discrimination law newsletter, edited by Alex Leonhardt, with analysis and contributions from Alex Leonhardt, Jo Laxton, Sarah Clarke, Stephen Wyeth and Emma Greening.

      Case analysis covers the following cases: Jackson v The University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust [2023] EAT 102; Charalambous v National Bank of Greece [2023] EAT 75; Pilkington v Jones [2023] EAT 90; United Taxis Ltd v (1) Mr R Comolly (2) Mr R Tidman - and - Mr R Tidman v (1) United Taxis Ltd v (2) Mr R Comolly [2023] EAT 93; and Mrs R Kealy v Westfield Community Development Association [2023] EAT 96.

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    • Bunting

      Employment and Discrimination newsletter - May 2023

      Jo Laxton edits this month's employment and discrimination newsletter which sees Head of 3PB's Employment and Discrimination Law team Craig Ludlow analysing HHJ Kalyany Kaul KC v (1) Ministry of Justice (2) The Lord Chancellor (3) The Lord Chief Justice [2023] EAT 41, Mark Green considers Williamson v The Bishop of London and others [2023] EWCA Civ 379, Daniel Brown reviews Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited v Clark & Others [2023] EWCA (Civ) 386, Alex Leonhardt analyses Mr J Edward v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EAT 33, and Emma Greening reviews Rolec (Electrical and Mechanical Services) Ltd v Mrs J Georgiou [2023] EAT 46.

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    • March 2023 Employment and Discrimination newsletter out now!

      Welcome to March's newsletter  Spring into March with the newsletter from 3PB Employment and Discrimination barristers. The group have been busy analysing and discussing a vast range of cases: Alex Leonhardt looks at the case of Earl Shilton Town Council v Miller, in which the EAT considered the application of direct discrimination in circumstances where both staff of both sexes shared nominally the same toilet facilities. Grace Nicholls looks at how the absence of a bounce...

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    • February 2023 employment and discrimination newsletter out now!

        Welcome to February's newsletter  February brings you a bumper issue of the 3PB Employment and discrimination newsletter! The group have been busy analysing and discussing a vast range of cases: Andrew MacPhail looks at the case of Ellis v Bacon and Advanced Fire Solutions Ltd [2022], in which an appeal was allowed by the EAT against the original Employment Tribunal’s ruling that an employee was discriminated against due to her marital status. The counsel team for...

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    • Employment law newsletter - December 2022

      Items include a look at the increase to the National Minimum Wage due in April 2023, new legislation allowing employees to request flexible working from day one in a job, as well as two proposed bills - the Carer's Leave Bill and the Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill, and a look at The Exclusivity Terms for Zero Hours Workers (Unenforceability and Redress) Regulations 2022.
      Analysis includes Nexus v RMT & Unite the Union [2022] EWCA Civ 1408, Mr J Hilaire v Luton Borough Council [2022] EAT 166, and how employers can protect themselves during Christmas party season.

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    • November employment law newsletter out now!

      Read the latest employment law news and cases analyses from the 3PB Barristers team. packed full of insights and news for employment and discrimination practitioners.

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