Matthew Wyard represents local action group in recovered planning appeal against new prison
24th January 2023

Matthew Wyard, specialist public law barrister at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) - together with Cornerstone Chambers' Josef Cannon and Jack Barber - represented the Ulnes Walton Action Group through the Bar’s Pro Bono charity, Advocate.
Last week, the Secretary of State for Local Government and Building Safety, issued a ‘minded to grant’ letter in relation to a recovered section 78 appeal concerning the Ministry of Justice’s application for outline planning permission to build a 1,715-capacity prison in the Green Belt near Leyland in Lancashire. The significant proposed development is part of the Government’s flagship prison expansion programme.
UWAG were able to successfully persuade the Inspector to recommend a dismissal of the appeal. The Inspectors’ report (which is available to read here) quotes a number of considerations in its recommendations, not least the visual and ecological impact of building on the designated Green Belt, highway safety (relating to increased vehicle and pedestrian conflicts) and adverse living conditions for those in the vicinity of the proposed prison.
In reaction to the Inspector’s recommendations, the Secretary of State has issued the appealing parties the opportunity to provide further evidence before reaching its final decision.
If you wish to contact or instruct Matthew, please email Tom Cox [email protected] or Gemma Faulkner [email protected], or telephone 020 7583 8055.