Jonathan Underhill and Benjamin Newton KC defend in £800k Forex Capital Markets and Crypto Currency fraud
16th November 2023

3PB Barristers’ specialist fraud practitioner Jonathan Underhill (pictured here), led by Benjamin Newton KC of Doughty Street Chambers were instructed to defend MB.
The 7-count indictment involved 6 separate but personally connected victims. Over a 5-year period, MB purported to invest sums in excess of £800K into both the Forex Capital Markets and various Cryptocurrency platforms.
Notwithstanding the initial sums invested, Benjamin, Jonathan and Sam’s careful financial analysis led to the court accepting a loss figure of almost half the invested sum for the purposes of sentencing. The defence team was specifically acknowledged by the sentencing judge for the hard work, attention to detail and careful analysis shown in advancing MB’s defence.
Careful submissions advanced on the part of MB, including reference to previously undiagnosed but significant mental illness, resulted in a reduced 4-year sentence.
Benjamin and Jonathan were instructed by Sam Healey of JMW’s highly respected criminal law team.
The matter was reported both locally by the Dorset Echo and nationally by GB News and The Times.