Family Law set to publish Luke Nelson's review of the FRC Efficiency Statement
30th May 2022

3PB family barrister Luke Nelson, pictured here, will shortly see his review entitled "FRC efficiency statement – an update from the trenches" published in the June 2022 issue of Family Law. This article surveys the ‘lay of the land’, three months after the FRC Efficiency Statement. At its launch, the Efficiency Statement was heralded by some as a necessary step towards collaborative working in financial remedies. Others queried whether the front-loading brought about by its proposals would detrimentally affect relations between lay clients. Luke's article considers which side of the argument is borne out now.
Implementation of the Efficiency Statement has not been without hiccups, particularly regarding the ES1 and ES2 forms. The article attempts to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the ES1 and ES2 as well as summarising the additional guidance released by the FLBA in respect of both.
With judges becoming increasingly willing to criticise parties for non-compliance (see Peel J in WC v HC [2022] EWFC 22), it is more important than ever for practitioners to have a firm grasp of what is required of them. Luke's article is primarily aimed at those in the profession beset on all sides by client demands, work-life balance and judicial expectation. By focussing on concise, tabular, information for the reader, it is hoped that this can be used as an efficient aide-memoire for the busy financial remedies practitioner.
To read the full article if you are a subscriber to the Family Law journal, please click here. Luke's article is also available here.
Luke Nelson undertakes a practice with a focus on financial remedies, TOLATA and property disputes. He has also recently built a strong practice in assisting clients with CMS appeals, in which the court reconsiders the child maintenance or child support.
To contact Luke about this article or any other matter, please email him on [email protected]. To instruct him, please contact his clerk Ian Charlton on [email protected] or by calling him on 0121 289 4333.