Professional disciplinary
3PB has dealt with professional disciplinary matters acting for teachers and students who are facing National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) - and Vocational-Student - Fitness-to-Practice hearings.
This includes advising on the process and pleadings, employment and professional conduct issues. These cases are rarely anything but high stakes with teachers' and students' careers and determinations of misconduct to be made.
Our Education Barristers...
Welcome to the 10th edition of our education law newsletter. Edited by Katherine Anderson, it features analysis and contributions from Katherine Anderson, Olivia McGonigle, Jim Hirschmann, Matthew Wyard and Naomi Webber.
Case analysis covers:
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- London Borough Camden v KT [2024] UKUT 225 AAC;
- LC and RC v Hampshire County Council [2023] UKUT 281 (AAC); and,
- A Multi Academy Trust v RR [2024] UKUT 9 (AAC) -
Welcome to the 9th edition of our education law newsletter. Edited by Jim Hirschmann and Katherine Anderson, it features analysis and contributions from head of team Charlotte Hadfield, Katherine Anderson (who celebrated the publishing of her book), Emma Waldron, Olivia McGonigle, Jim Hirschmann and pupil Rosa Thomas.
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Case analysis covers: R (on the application of Swalcliffe Park School) v Wokingham Borough Council and another [2023] EWHC 1451 (Admin); R (on the application of AI) v London Borough of Wandsworth [2023] EWHC 2088 (Admin); MXX v A Secondary School [2023] EWCA Civ 99; and Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v JS and Others [2023] EWCOP 33. The team also looks at potential student litigation that could arise out of the university marking and assessment boycott. -
3PB Barristers have created a dedicated webpage on its website to act as a hub for the many articles, briefings and webinar and podcast recordings about lockdown laws and regulations as well as practical issues like court attendance, e-bundles, remote and hybrid hearings. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to create employment, contractual and other legal challenges which are in many ways unprecedented. The impact of the virus is being felt, and in response, 3PB have...
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