Previous Events & Seminars

  • Employment law webinar - 10 September - disability discrimination

    Date: Thursday 10th Sep 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB employment barristers Karen Moss and Grace Boorer will be hosting an employment law webinar on disability discrimination on 10 September. Karen will give an updated overview of liability under Section 15 Equality Act 2010 to include the most recent authorities. She will also focus on how tribunals approach a claim of discrimination arising from disability encompassing: Requisite knowledge under s.15 cf. failure to make reasonable adjustments, considering Baldeh v Churches Housing Association of Dudley and District and…

  • Inquests 8 Sept

    Inquests: Article 2 engagement and impact

    Date: Tuesday 8th Sep 2020
    Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    Venue: via Zoom.

    3PB inquest barristers Elisabeth Bussey-Jones, Sunyana Sharma and Susan Jones will be presenting the second webinar in the 3PB introduction to inquests series. In this webinar “Article 2 engagement and effect” Sunyana Sharma will explore the effect of the recent decision of Maguire v HM Senior Coroner for Blackpool [2020] EWCA Civ 738 and the likely effect this will have on when Article 2 is and is not likely to be engaged. Susan Jones will…

  • Education 3

    A-Level results webinar for students and schools

    Date: Monday 17th Aug 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: via Zoom.

    Following A-Level results day, specialist education law barristers Alice de Coverley, Matthew Wyard and Emma Waldron will be hosting a webinar covering the following topics: An update on the evolving picture nationally, including any new information from Ofqual / the Department for Education Any changes to the GCSE and vocational / technical results processes in advance of results day on 20 August 2020 From A*A*A* to UUU – practical advice for students on what to do…

  • Family Law Brunch - 30 July

    Date: Thursday 30th Jul 2020
    Time: 11:00 am
    Venue: Via Zoom

    In this month's Family Law Brunch, Oliver Thorne and Emma Southern will cover: A review of the MOJ's final report: 'Assessing Risk of Harm to Children and Parents in Private Law Children Cases'.

  • To Pupillage and Beyond: part 2 - becoming a barrister

    Date: Friday 24th Jul 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    This webinar is aimed at those wanting to know more about the life of a barrister and about options through your career – such as achieving a judicial appointment, becoming an author or taking silk – from the people who’ve done it. You’ll ‘meet’ a selection of 3PB barristers from the very junior to the most top ranking silks and hear about how their careers have developed over time.

  • To Pupillage and Beyond! Part 1 - becoming a pupil

    Date: Friday 17th Jul 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 am
    Venue: Via Zoom

    A two-part webinar series designed for aspiring barristers. Do you want to be a barrister? Join a selection of 3PB’s current and future pupils via Zoom on 17 July for essential insight in to how to secure a place as a pupil; and how to make the most out of pupillage once you’re in chambers. They’ll tell you the whole story – warts and all – and share their own tips and experiences from knowing…

  • 'You be The Judge of That' - interactive FDR - 9 July

    Date: Thursday 9th Jul 2020
    Time: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    “You be The Judge of That” 3PB's unique interactive FDR format puts you in the Judge’s Chair. Solve a contemporary legal problem. Record your views with our on-line polling system. Judge your answers against our specialist panel of DDJs and Recorders.  Learn about the latest cases including those dealing with COVID-19.

  • Employment law webinar - 9 July

    Date: Thursday 9th Jul 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB employment barristers Katherine Anderson and Naomi Webber will be hosting an employment law webinar on 'Religion and Belief in the Workplace' on 9 July at 11am. This webinar will look at expressions of religion and belief in the workplace and the common issues and conflicts that may arise under the Equality Act.

  • Aluminium cladding and other construction challenges: getting our house in order

    Date: Tuesday 7th Jul 2020
    Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB barristers James Davison, Philip Bambagiotti and Nick Kaplan will be hosting a webinar on “Aluminium cladding and other construction challenges: getting our house in order" on 7 July at 10am. Our presenters will cover: The current regulatory framework and cladding requirements in the UK Liabilities and litigation problems facing UK building industry from cladding A way forward – a practical approach to resolving the dilemma about cladding on your buildings.

  • The UK maritime sector post Covid 19 - 2 July

    Date: Thursday 2nd Jul 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    The UK maritime sector post Covid 19: ports, cruise ships and seafarers' health and safety’ 3PB barristers David Richards, head of the public regulatory team at 3PB, and Dr Tagbo Ilozue present a review of Covid-19 and the regulation of cruise ships and UK ports. Once the world is back at work the legacy of the pandemic for all who use and work on ships will be profound. Regulators of marine activity will be as concerned as regulators…

  • Expert Evidence Webinar - 30 June

    Date: Tuesday 30th Jun 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB barristers Richard Wheeler and Tom Webb present an update via Zoom. Richard will talk about the uses and pitfalls of expert witnesses, including reflections from his time spent on the long-running Kenya litigation. Tom will speak about the often overlooked area of Part 35 questions to experts, giving some guidance as to how best to draft and consider written questions to experts. The seminar will last for one hour and will include elements of assistance to those of…

  • Family Law Brunch - 25 June

    Date: Thursday 25th Jun 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    In this month's Family Law Brunch Emma Griffiths and Emma Harman will discuss 'SGOs: where are we?'; and the rights of a parent with a disability in care proceedings.