Previous Events & Seminars
Family law brunch - via Zoom - 15 June
Date: Tuesday 15th Jun 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom The 3PB family team is hosting brunch via Zoom on Tuesday 15 June at 11am for one hour, in our series of monthly informal get-togethers.
Emma Griffiths will consider 'Re HN: Scott's demise?'.
Aimee Fox will present 'Covert recordings in family proceedings’.
We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.
Residential Possession and Covid: a legal update - via Zoom - 9 June
Date: Wednesday 9th Jun 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom. 3PB Barristers are hosting a free Property Law Webinar via Zoom on Wednesday 9 June 2021 from 11am to 12pm focusing on Residential Possession and Covid, presented by Head of 3PB Property and Estates Group Matthew Cannings and Jack Webb.
Jack Webb will analyse "The current residential possession law and procedure in light of the Covid-19-related alterations to the former procedure".
Matthew Cannings will reflect on "The impact of recent cases and decisions".
Time will be set aside for questions and answers during the session but feel free to submit any questions in advance when registering on Zoom.
Judicial Review update: practice and procedure - via Zoom - 1 June
Date: Tuesday 1st Jun 2021 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Venue: via Zoom On 31st May 2021, the Part 54 Practice Directions will be revised, marking some substantial changes to judicial review claims moving forward. Join specialist judicial review practitioners Mathew Gullick QC, Caroline Stone, Matthew Wyard and Alice de Coverley from 3PB’s Public Law team at 3pm on 1st June 2021 for a one hour update on the forthcoming changes.
Topics for discussion will include:
- The new rules on where to issue your claim
- The new requirements for pleadings and bundles
- Urgent applications and applications for interim reliefThere will also be a brief update on the Government’s proposed changes to judicial review following the Faulks Review.
Recent developments in Commercial Landlord & Tenant Law Webinar - via Zoom - 20 May
Date: Thursday 20th May 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom 3PB Barristers are hosting a free Property Law Webinar via Zoom on Thursday 20 May 2021 from 11 am to 12 pm focusing on current topics and recent developments in Commercial Landlord & Tenant Law. Presented by Gavin Hamilton and Robert Weatherley, the webinar will be chaired by Matthew Cannings.
Gavin Hamilton will review reported cases over the last year and focus on the fate of the various arguments for termination or suspension of the tenant’s obligation to pay rent during business closure caused by the pandemic.
Robert Weatherley will consider recent developments and look in particular at CVAs and government backed initiatives for the sector.
Renewable energy - book launch - Thursday 29 April 2021
Date: Thursday 29th Apr 2021 Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom Join the author of 'Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power: Law and Regulation' on 29 April for the launch of this seminal new text.
During this free event the author, William Webster a renewables and planning specialist, will highlight the key issues of note from the book in a Q&A style event held via Zoom. Energy sector specialist and Silk, David Parratt QC (Scot) will chair the event. -
Family law brunch - 29 April
Date: Thursday 29th Apr 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom Family law barristers Elisabeth Hudson and Theresa Lim look forward to seeing you at our next brunch via Zoom on Thursday 29 April at 11am.
Elisabeth Hudson will be presenting “Special Guardianship Orders - where are we now?”
Theresa Lim will talk about "Challenging Capacity Assessments: case law and procedure".
Litigating in 2021: jurisdiction, service and enforcement post-Brexit and civil procedure in the pandemic - 22 April
Date: Thursday 22nd Apr 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom Join our Head of Chambers David Berkley QC, and barristers Richard Whitehouse and Jack Webb as they host a Civil Law webinar on 22 April at 11am.
Richard Whitehouse on Civil Litigation post-Brexit: how the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 is expected to operate in practice, and the implications of withdrawal civil litigation specifically jurisdiction, service and enforcement.
Jack Webb will look at how the courts are dealing with pandemic-related cases covering a selection of significant recent decisions.
Employment law webinar - 21 April
Date: Wednesday 21st Apr 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom Preparing to trade in a post-pandemic economy: options available to employers facing uncertain times
Gareth Graham and Matthew Curtis will examine the options and potential pitfalls for businesses looking to make redundancies or organisational changes due to pressures caused by reduced activity.
The talk will include:
• Key considerations for a fair redundancy process
• Potential traps and pitfalls
• How to modify a redundancy process for employees returning from furlough or maternity leave
• Responding to claims of unfair redundancy, or discrimination in the redundancy process -
Family law brunch - 25 March
Date: Thursday 25th Mar 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom The 3PB family team is hosting brunch via Zoom on Thursday 25 March at 11am for one hour, in our series of monthly informal get-togethers. Hamish Dunlop will be presenting “Court in a Storm: Financial remedy claims in COVID and Brexit times”. Gemma Chapman will talk about "Preserving the evidence: a public law update". We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.
Family Law Brunch - 25 February
Date: Thursday 25th Feb 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom The 3PB family team is hosting brunch via Zoom on Thursday 25 February at 11am in a series of monthly informal get-togethers. Michael George will be presenting “Making the Rat share his Wad” MPS applications in the light of Rattan v Kuwad. Oliver Thorne will talk about on Show Cause Applications with "Show Cause - A Short Guide to a Shortened Procedure". We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so…
Brexit: what just happened? A webinar on intellectual property post-Brexit
Date: Wednesday 24th Feb 2021 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Via Zoom 3PB Barristers are hosting a free Intellectual Property Webinar via Zoom on Wednesday 24 February - 11:00-12:00pm. Focusing on the impact of Brexit on intellectual property, the webinar will be led by intellectual property specialists Victoria Jones and Nicole Bollard. Nicole Bollard will examine “IPRs post Brexit” - A run through of the changes to intellectual property rights in the UK after 31 December 2020. ‘Nicole has the ability to build strong and personable relationships with clients from the outset,…
Dispute Boards: Expensive Follies or Golden Opportunities?
Date: Thursday 18th Feb 2021 Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Venue: Online 3PB's Peter Collie will moderate this event - Dispute Boards: Expensive Follies or Golden Opportunities? - being organised by the Society of Construction Lawyers.
The speakers are Lindy Patterson QC, Marion Smith QC (39 Essex Chambers) David Brown (Clyde & Co, Paris) Stephen Proctor (McCann Fitzgerald, Dublin) & Paul Battrick, Diales.