Previous Events & Seminars

  • 25 March Family Law Brunch Webinar

    Family law brunch - 25 March

    Date: Thursday 25th Mar 2021
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    The 3PB family team is hosting brunch via Zoom on Thursday 25 March at 11am for one hour, in our series of monthly informal get-togethers. Hamish Dunlop will be presenting “Court in a Storm: Financial remedy claims in COVID and Brexit times”. Gemma Chapman will talk about "Preserving the evidence: a public law update". ​We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.

  • Feb 21 Family law brunch 305

    Family Law Brunch - 25 February

    Date: Thursday 25th Feb 2021
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    The 3PB family team is hosting brunch via Zoom on Thursday 25 February at 11am in a series of monthly informal get-togethers. Michael George will be presenting “Making the Rat share his Wad” MPS applications in the light of Rattan v Kuwad. Oliver Thorne will talk about on Show Cause Applications with "Show Cause - A Short Guide to a Shortened Procedure". We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so…

  • Brexit 305

    Brexit: what just happened? A webinar on intellectual property post-Brexit

    Date: Wednesday 24th Feb 2021
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB Barristers are hosting a free Intellectual Property Webinar via Zoom on Wednesday 24 February - 11:00-12:00pm. Focusing on the impact of Brexit on intellectual property, the webinar will be led by intellectual property specialists Victoria Jones and Nicole Bollard. Nicole Bollard will examine “IPRs post Brexit” - A run through of the changes to intellectual property rights in the UK after 31 December 2020. ‘Nicole has the ability to build strong and personable relationships with clients from the outset,…

  • SCL Logo

    Dispute Boards: Expensive Follies or Golden Opportunities?

    Date: Thursday 18th Feb 2021
    Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
    Venue: Online

    3PB's Peter Collie will moderate this event - Dispute Boards: Expensive Follies or Golden Opportunities? - being organised by the Society of Construction Lawyers.

    The speakers are Lindy Patterson QC, Marion Smith QC (39 Essex Chambers) David Brown (Clyde & Co, Paris) Stephen Proctor (McCann Fitzgerald, Dublin) & Paul Battrick, Diales.

  • 18 feb 305

    Employment law webinar - 18 February

    Date: Thursday 18th Feb 2021
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    Preparation hurdles and procedural pitfalls 3PB employment barristers Grace Boorer and Naomi Webber will be hosting our first employment law webinar of 2021 on Thursday 18 February at 11am. Grace and Naomi highlight and explain the trickier areas of the Employment Tribunal Rules and common procedural issues encountered in the ET, including an update on recent EAT decisions and changes to the rules. ​Please click on the link above to register for this virtual event. Please send us any questions you…

  • 28 Jan 21 brunch image

    Family Law Brunch - 28 January

    Date: Thursday 28th Jan 2021
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom.

    The 3PB family team is hosting brunch in a series of monthly informal get-togethers. 3PB barrister Michael George and Dains forensic accounting partner Andrew Donaldson will host our next 3PB Family Law Brunch via Zoom on Thursday 28 January. Michael and Andrew will examine "Valuing the valuation: getting the most out of your expert in uncertain times”. We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough…

  • pupillage

    Tips for a successful pupillage application

    Date: Monday 25th Jan 2021
    Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    Venue: Online

    In this webinar ‘3PB Barristers : Tips for a successful pupillage application‘, you will hear from their Head of Pupillage Cheryl Jones on how this 220-strong national chambers has recruited a diverse team of trainee barristers.
    In this webinar we will discuss:
    • how 3PB ensure an unbiased recruitment process and advice to those applying to pupillage
    • how to stand out from the crowd in the application process and Bar Council gateway and non-gateway applications
    • the value and options available within pupillage and experiences at 3PB .

  • 10 Dec image

    Employment Law webinar - 10th December

    Date: Thursday 10th Dec 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB employment barristers Sarah Clarke and Grace Nicholls will be hosting our last employment law webinar of 2020 on Thursday 10 December at 11am. Sarah and Grace will provide an overview of personal injury claims arising out of discrimination. Their session will include: • the legal test applicable • interaction with other forms of non-pecuniary loss • practical considerations/valuation; and • the Employment Tribunal v the County Court? Please click above to register for this…

  • 9 Dec v2 1

    Court of Protection: Property & Affairs

    Date: Wednesday 9th Dec 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom.

    3PB Barristers are hosting a free Court of Protection: Property & Affairs webinar via Zoom on Wednesday 9 December 2020 11:00 – 12:00pm focusing on the issues of Deputies and their cost recoverability. Emma Waldron and Matthew Wyard will be discussing the decision of the Court of Protection in ACC & Ors and its impact on the ability of property and affairs deputies to recover their costs of legal proceedings from the protected party’s assets. Thereafter, they will then consider the…

  • 3 Dec family law brunch 1

    Family Law Brunch - 3 December

    Date: Thursday 3rd Dec 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    The 3PB family team is hosting brunch via Zoom on Thursday 3 December at 11am in a series of monthly informal get-togethers. Elaine Strachan will review ‘Bankruptcy in Financial Remedy Proceedings’. Amy Beddis will examine ‘At what cost? An exploration of current costs  decisions in matrimonial finance proceedings’. We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.

  • 2 Dec image

    Vicarious liability and reflective loss - 2 December 2020

    Date: Wednesday 2nd Dec 2020
    Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    3PB Head of Chambers David Berkley QC and barristers Seb Oram and Naomi Webber are hosting a webinar on Wednesday 2 December at 11am to review the developments that have taken place with regards to Vicarious Liability and Reflective Loss in 2020. In this lockdown year the Supreme Court has not been idle. The common law, by nature organic, was, in 2020, significantly developed or at least refined in respect of two key concepts: First, in Barclays Bank v Various…

  • 3D Schools

    Join the authors for the launch of a seminal new book on school exclusions

    Date: Wednesday 25th Nov 2020
    Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
    Venue: Via Zoom

    Education law specialist Charlotte Hadfield, who heads the Education Team, and her barrister colleague Alice de Coverley have co-authored the first book on the law on school exclusion since 2002 - 'The Law in Relation to School Exclusions' published by Law Brief Publishing. The book will be launched officially on November 25 at 5pm in a Q&A interview of both authors via Zoom. Exclusion from school is a sanction of last resort that can hugely…