Holiday pay post-Brazel - Friday 4 November, 11am-12pm

The 3PB Employment and Discrimination Group will be holding a webinar on holiday pay via Zoom on Friday 4 November at 11am for one hour.
Mathew Gullick KC, Lachlan Wilson and Naomi Webber will explain the judgment in Harpur Trust v Brazel, explore the impact of the decision and discuss the legal implications for holiday pay more broadly.
The Supreme Court's landmark judgment earlier this year confirmed the rights of part-year and zero hours contract workers to the full 5.6 weeks' statutory paid holiday provided for under the Working Time Regulations 1998 and rejected the argument of the school that employed Mrs Brazel (run by the Harpur Trust) that the entitlement of such workers should be reduced on a pro-rata basis.
The webinar will be of particular interest to employment lawyers, HR directors and general counsel who advise about (or employ) term-time workers at schools, colleges and universities, as well as many other types of ‘zero-hours contract’ workers, whose working patterns do not fit the traditional ‘full-time’ model."